Talk:Eldritch Empowerment (5e Feat)
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Balance & Other Issues[edit]
I do somewhat understand what this feat was going for, but it has a ton of issues. I will attempt to go over these issues below.
- Design. A feat, by design in 5e, should be usable by as many classes as possible. This feat goes against this and seems to want to provide benefits to only warlocks.
- Sentient Pact Weapon. This feature is interesting, but its wording needs to be cleaned up. Simply saying that you can make sentient weapons pact weapons would suffice.
- Extra Attack. Extra Attack is a far too powerful feature for a feat to have as the increased damage far exceeds the benefit an ability score increase could provide.
- Additional Spell Slots. This feature is too powerful as comparatively some feats like magic initiate (or other feats) allow you to cast a specific spell once then you need to finish a long rest to use it again. Simply granting a spell slot allows you to cast any spell, the spell slot scales, and you regain use of the spell slot on a short rest.
With that out of the way, it is clear that the feat needs work fixing these issues. --Blobby383b (talk) 13:33, 27 December 2021 (MST)