Talk:Dwarven Heart Rage (3.5e Feat)

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Rage Feats[edit]

See Talk:Channel Ki Strike (DnD Feat)#Martial Style Feats.


So, I was thinking... Dwarves are pretty good with a +2 vrs. magic and poison (what else do you need to save against?). Then Dwarf Paragon gets them +3 (which I think is pretty powerful indeed... So while raging, a Dwarf Paragon would have a +6 to saves vrs. magic and poison... I think that might be a little too good. Obviously the intended usage of +4 is fair. Hrm. --Aarnott 09:03, 1 August 2007 (MDT)

But then, this ability is limited to combat, and limited to the time you are raging. And dwarf paragon slows down your progression with rage. I would consider it a very good synergy, but not broken. --Mkill 09:44, 1 August 2007 (MDT)
True -- good synergy. I want to use it (and it is not nearly as imbalanced as feats like Craven -- not by a long shot). Unfortunately I always DM and rarely get to play. Here is what I would play: CG Dwarf Barbarian 1/Paragon 3/Paladin of Freedom 2. Seems like fun to me at least. With a cloak of resistance, and a charisma boosting item, this character could easily have +10 saves vrs. magic and poison while raging. --Aarnott 11:43, 1 August 2007 (MDT)
Don't forget that just a high save bonus does not mean you're immune to magic. There are also melee touch attack and ranged touch attack spells, and spells that have no attack roll or save whatsoever (Magic Missile, Irresistible Dance). --Mkill 21:55, 1 August 2007 (MDT)