Talk:DupliDruid (5e Subclass)

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This is still baffling.

  • What is the justification for changing wild shape from an action to a bonus action?
  • You can transform into a creature of a CR eight times as high as normal. Then you... give yourself a CR half of that? Why?
  • You can shapeshift into any kind of creature, not just a beast.
  • You try to copy some of the text of wild shape regarding statistics, and mess it up. Marasmusine (talk) 13:57, 10 February 2019 (MST)

I would henceforth like informal D&D Wiki terminology to refer to this kind of build as "doing a Kirby" due to the number of times we've seen people attempt it. Marasmusine (talk) 14:04, 10 February 2019 (MST)

  • What is the justification for changing wild shape from an action to a bonus action?

Because the class is based on transforming, like the circle of the moon, sense its not based on spells it made it more versatile, that one seemed obvious.

  • You can transform into a creature of a CR eight times as high as normal. Then you... give yourself a CR half of that? Why?

I agree, I'll lower that to normal. and that wss the cloest representation to CR offered to a player.

  • You can shapeshift into any kind of creature, not just a beast.

I'll limit it to things of the current plane so no demons, devils, celestials, etc., but if you can't hold a form in your back pocket at all times in an easy fashion, then you're going to be useless.

  • You try to copy some of the text of wild shape regarding statistics, and mess it up.

Elaborate? Apothose (talk) 17:42, 4 March 2019 (MST)