Talk:Dragon Elf (5e Subrace)

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Dragon Ancestry. You may not be able to breath an element, but your blood still sings with its magic and can alter your spells. When you cast a spell you can choose for it to match the element of your draconic ancestry (chosen in the sorcerer class) this converts the spell to an element that matches one of your parents. For example: If you have a blue dragon bloodline then your fireball can become a lightning ball dealing lightning damage instead of fire. (You

The above seems unfinished. My GM has decided to treat it as the Dragonborn trait of the same name, minus the breath weapon. So effectively, damage reduction of the chosen type. Tersia (talk) 00:03, 7 July 2016 (MDT)

My GM also says unlimited flight at level 1 is too OP, so has added the stipulation that my character was injured at a younger age, and it never healed correctly. In game effects are that I have to end every round either on land or in free-fall. Tersia (talk) 00:03, 7 July 2016 (MDT)

I can't your blockquote in the page, or the bit about flight, where are they?
Here's my assessment using my rating system, races should aim to score 4.
  • Better than normal, and versatile, ability score improvement (1)
  • Darkvision (0.5)
  • Trance (0)
  • Draconid Appearance doesn't do anything (0)
  • At-will casting of a 1st level spell. It can also summon a CR 1/4 non-beast creature where normally find familiar summons CR 0 beasts. (1)
  • Alter Self is a 2nd level spell, polymorth is 4th level. You would normally have to be a 3rd and 7th level full spellcaster to cast these. If we are generous and say that the dragon elf has to be 3rd and 7th level respectively to cast these once per day, we can rate this (1).
  • Draconic Scales was unintentionally hidden.
    • It adds resistance (0.5) and special movement (0.5)
    • Luck is mechanically undefined, and gold/trinket rewards are entirely the purview of the DM, PC traits should never alter this.
    • Advantage on a sub-use of a skill check (0.5 with each)
    • +10 to AC. This is bonkers, I assume this is a typo and +1 AC was intended, in which case I rate this (1)
Total: 6.
This is potentially more, if I can find where this "dragon ancestry table" is.
In conclusion, the race tries to do too much, and the other thing that bugs me is that there are no elf-like qualities. Marasmusine (talk) 01:59, 7 July 2016 (MDT)

Sorry, I got confused and posted this twice on two different tabs I had open. See if you want to see where my blockquote came from. Tersia (talk) 02:10, 7 July 2016 (MDT)

Yeah, I just spotted that :) I take a look at that race and assess it. Marasmusine (talk) 02:16, 7 July 2016 (MDT)

Reply from the Creator Kuro (talk) 00:10, 17 July 2016 (MDT)

Hello. Long story short. People being able to go in and edit a race however they want is essentially the problem with races becoming overpowered. People just go in and add in features such as +10 AC. Being a mistake or not I agree its "bonkers". Ive pretty much given up on 'constantly having to fix silly edits done by other people.' Biggest reason behind why I stopped uploading my custom races here. Personally I would like this race to be deleted but I'm quite unfamiliar on how to get the ADMINs to delete my race/s.
  • Elf traits - Darkvision, Trance
  • Dragon traits - Draconic appearance, Draconic companion
    • No - flight (why can you fly, are you super man or do you have wings???), no spell casting (I guess excluding draconic companion is a spell (I had to simplify it by saying find familiar cause as how i had it at the start people thought it was to OP?? It was literally a weaker version of find familiar but anyway...), No AC bonuses
    • Draconic appearance was resistance to an element (dragonborn has resistance to element, elves have immunity to sleep resistance to sleep), and 1 special movement that resembled your dragon ancestry (eg. flavor at higher level)(Dragonborn breath fire, elves gain proficiency with weapons), then a RPG skill for finding trinkets etc. Gives the GM something to play with but i guess people dont like flavor. It also gives Adv. on bartering and noticing magical stuff cause the 'flavor' part can essentially be ignored if the GM wants to. ALTERNATIVELY the Adv on bartering and noticing could BE the skill to find gold and trinkets easier. Reason why it says talk with the GM. This part of the racial traits is kind of like the background. Like being a Folk hero makes you have a likelier chance of finding a place to rest, hide etc among other commoners <PH131, rustic hospitality> (elves get perception proficient, spells if high or drow, 35ft + bonus hide if wood).
There is meant to be two traits from both sides but again, idk. Im really done trying to keep my stuff balanced on this website when anyone, literally ANYONE can click edit and changed things around...
A little heads up for you. If you find a race you like, just take it and revamp it. Alter things you find silly and add in things you feel work. Ive found plenty of cool races here but occasionally with little bits off here and there.
  • Additionally the reference to Draconic Ancestry is only for picking your dragon.I didnt know at the time how to include a table so i just wrote that so people can refer to either pages PH34 or PH102 for reference.
And another thing i noticed missing from the description for the special movement. Its terrain specific.For instance a brass dragon can burrow. Why? Because it lives is dessertous environments. As a dragon elf that grew up in a similar environment and with brass dragons, you learnt how to Burrow like them. So you cant be like I burrow when the earth around you is rocky terrain or a concrete floor etc. This race was meant for people who thoroughly enjoy RPG moreover anything else, and maybe do difficult or complicated for some players. Kuro (talk) 00:23, 17 July 2016 (MDT)

I had someone do this to my WIP Dragon Rider class. They added a feature that, while I understand the reasoning, did not fit with the class. An easy way to fix this is to go to the page's History tab, find the revision you want, then revert it to that revision. No need to constantly retype things. Just check up on the page now and then (your Wacthlist works great for this, it lets you know if any of the pages you are watching were changed), and if someone made a change that you don't like, you can just revert to the version (revision) you like. Agrith (talk) 21:59, 18 July 2016 (MDT)

This has gotten pretty powerful[edit]

There was a version over the summer I saved on my computer.

My DM felt it was slightly more powerful than the standard races so I am playing a nerfed version of it. Recent updates to the page include allowing the character to fly slowly at level 14 and the familiar aging ridiculously faster than a regular dragon becoming immensely powerful after level 6.

Here is what I intend to edit out: "At 5th level your draconic luck starts to take effect. When fail a roll for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

At 14th level your wings unfurl and you gain a flying speed equal to your walk speed.

Alter Self. Due to your Draconic Heritage, you can cast Alter Self once per day without expending a spell slot. Dragon Companion. You have a small wyrmling which resembles the dragon from your draconic ancestry. The dragon has the same stats and features as a wyrmling of the dragon you chose. It gains the same resistance as you. Its hit point’s maximum equals its normal maximum + your current level. As you level up so does your companion. At level 6 your wyrmling becomes a young dragon and gains all the effects of that dragon. At level 12 your dragon becomes an adult gaining is abilities. At level 20 it becomes an ancient dragon gaining all of its abilities. The dragon has its own Initiative in combat. You can telepathically give it a command to do things, but if you don’t it will either defend itself from hostile creatures, wait for a command, or follow you. When the dragon falls to 0 hit points it drops a single scale and returns to its plane of existence, and waits for you to summon it again. You can resummon the dragon by doing a 1 hour ritual which can be done during a rest. It takes 4 hours to summon another young dragon, 8 hours for an adult, and 24 hours for an ancient dragon. You must meet the minimum level before summoning a young, adult, or ancient dragon. "

I will revert it to close to its previous state. In light of the extra powers this race gives I would love to include some potential draw backs. Please include them if you can think of any.

Greetings, I have taken the time to go through the edit history and restore this class back to its original, previous glory before it was making extremely over powered by a troll. My apologies to whom ever took the time to try and edit it back to what they thought was as close to the original as possible - (Anonymous)