Talk:Devoid (5e Race)
To the creator of this Race I really like the idea of it and was wondering if I could make a few edits on here or give a few suggestions. Sorry if this talk's page is odd i'll be honest I haven't done this before and am new to how this function works. Please respond when you can because I don't want to change anything without your permission. :)
Here is my idea's/edit's I would make.[edit]
Devoid Traits
Soulless humanoids searching for their humanity.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 2 and your Dexterity increases by 1.
Age. A Devoid is "born" when a Devoid decides it wants to procreate. To start, The Devoid absorbs the life force of a living being into it's belly. Whether this kills the living being is for the Devoid to decide. After 2 months, the Devoid gives birth by expelling the infant out of its mouth. The infant then ages rapidly and reaches adulthood within a month. Although they biologically live until about 200, a Devoid without an obsession is as good as dead.
Alignment. Without an obsession, a Devoid has no alignment. It merely passively observes and searches for its obsession. But as soon as they find it, they take that person's ethics, beliefs and morality to the extremes, meaning they can never be neutral in any way.
Size. Your size is Medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Eternal Watcher. You are always watching. Always studying. Always obsessing. You are proficient in Perception.
Twisted Body. You can detach your bone joints at will, effectively enabling you to stretch your limbs to twice their original length. This doubles your melee attack range and increases your speed to 40 ft for up to 1 minute. Once the minute passes you have to put your joints back leaving you stunned for one turn as you snap your limbs back in place. You can use this ability the same amount of times as your Constitution mod before needing to take a long rest to regain the ability.
Obsession. You fixate on a person for at least 24hrs total. You adopt their way of thinking and try to mimic them in a vain attempt to gain humanity. Your obsession is who you are. Everything you do is based on it. It can never be changed and it can never be forced. You must want to be that person with your whole being by your own volition. Not even gods or magic can force you to obsess.
Once you have an obsession your voice becomes a bit louder and more like theirs, you even gain there Alignment. Your body also slowly morphs into a nightmare version of them, still keeping your horrifying form for the most part. Finally you gain one skill proficiency from your obsessions race you do not have. If you can not gain something new but can gain a skill you already have you gain expertise in the skill. Only If you can't do either then you can choose to find a new obsession, sacrifice the proficiency gain and keep the obsession or, learn from this experience and choose a new skill proficiency of your choosing. (You may not get expertise this way only if the skill is gained from your obsession.)
If your obsession dies you gain a brief vision of their death location and cause (To the DM's discretion). If you can not retrieve something of that creatures possession within 30 days you lose your obsession's benefits and must find another. Furthermore, if you lose that possession and don't get it, or another possession back within 30 days you will lose your obsession's benefits.
Erie Voice. After eons of silently watching, The Devoid have little to no communication skills and there voices are very raspy and soft. You have disadvantage on all throws involving speech except for Intimidation.
Restless. You never truly rest, only mimicking what you see others do. Instead, you remain in a semiconscious state similar to Elves for 4 hours a day. During this time you do not dream as you don't know how, having never seen anyone do it before. After resting this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Hollow Body. You have no organs of any kind. You do not need to eat, drink or breath. You can, but there are no benefits in doing so.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common, Abyssal, and one language from your obsession of your choice. If you can't gain a new language from them then you can choose any language.
There very well can still be some edits but i think this keeps the theme of not having there own minds while removing some traits that would have interfered with game play