Talk:Demon Host (5e Class)
Hey guys! Just finished this class and would love some balancing tips if anyone has any! --Arcrier (talk) 02:16, 16 May 2020
Hey, so, I am some anonymous user of the wiki and I stumbled upon this page. I want to know how many traits can be active at once, as well as what decides trait level, as I don't believe it explains. Maybe you should incorporate trait levels that can be used into the table.
Thanks for the input, it did seem a little unclear! I made some changes that might help. Let me know if it's still not making sense! --Arcrier (talk) 09:36, 11 October 2020
Anonymous user again, thank you for the changes. However, I still don't quite understand how to spend trait points for manifestation, or how many trait points I can have at, say, lv 1 vs trait points allowed at lv 10. Like when you said "Traits only cost points at the highest point cost of that trait you have chosen (e.g. Claws 4 costs four points instead of 10 (1+2+3+4))." There doesn't seem to be a table or a description of what exactly are trait points or how many trait points you have at a level. Sorry about the inconvenience.
I mentioned it in the middle of the Demonic Manifestation section (you have trait points equal to your level plus your con mod). Is there somewhere else that would be better to put it so it's more visible? Or would it be weird to just repeat it again in the Manifesting Traits section? --Arcrier (talk) 09:15, 13 October 2020
Ah, no, sorry. That was just probably error on my part. -Anon user
Question; This may be a stupid question, but does the elemental resistances stack at higher tiers? At elemental resistance tier 2, for example, would you have both fire and cold resistance, or would you just have the cold resistance you chose for tier 2?