Talk:Deathtongue (3.5e Creature)

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The save for poison is normally 10 + 1/2 HD + Con modifier I believe. This has a negative Con modifier (It should be higher, also its -hp isn't mentioned in its hp) so thats DC 13, -1(con), +2 (ability focus)=DC 14. Also, tiny and deals a d6? Even with Imp attack that should be a d3 or d4 I think. Also its Dex modifier is 6 not 5, so its initiative is 1 higher, and it should have weapon finesse as a bonus feat so it can hit things. Also, Str modifier is -4, not -3 so its -4 to damage. This should have like 10-12 con, and at least a 10 Wis. While I'm at it, its saves look wrong, and its touch AC is too low. It should be 18 touch AC (10 +Dex modifier +size). If it has no natural armor its normal AC is alright (but I think its supposed to have a NA of 3 looking at the numbers). This has potential, but needs some fine tuning Name Violation 18:30, 13 May 2010 (UTC)