Talk:Deathclaw (5e Fallout Campaign Setting)
Critiquing the Deathclaw[edit]
I have a player who's trying to use Deathclaw, but there seems to be a lot of confusion. There's no definitive "base claw" for all Deathclaws. Normal [5e rules] would indicate that Humans and Deathclaws have the same unarmed attack since there isn't anything specifying otherwise in the traits, which is a straight 1 Melee damage + mods. You would already be proficient in it anyways since that's just how normal 5e combat works. These rule changes should be listed somewhere if it's intended to function differently. There should be a "deadly claws" trait for the general race that gives them a 1d4 melee at minimum. I can't see a reason that claws would be hurting the same as a human's punch. There should be some specification that older Deathclaws still get the benefits from the Young subrace because... why wouldn't they? Violent claws is a trait that should just exist as a base trait. It's a really strong trait because you could either take that and then get proficiency in a whole new set of weapons, or pick up a set of skills and still have "reliable" melee damage, as reliable as a straight 1 in damage can be I guess. I could be wrong and somewhere on this wiki it says unarmed for claws goes up, but I haven't found it high or low.
Rewriting this to be more comprehensive. The Albino Deathclaw section seems to exclusively be referring to Goris, despite him being a very special case. Even then it doesn't seem to carry any of the more important features. While you gain his ability to hide yourself, you don't get his telepathy. Goris' version of Deathclaw should be classified under a different section, like "Special Mutation" or something along those lines, or even just an alternative set of traits you can take that can go onto ANY version of Deathclaw. You should gain his hide sensitivity in return for a lesser speed/size, rather than having all Albino be objectively weak when they canonically aren't. The regular Albino should be to Deathclaws as Glowing Ghouls are to Ghouls, a more powerful version. Speaking of, Glowing Deathclaws would make a very nice addition.