Talk:Combat Realism - Defense and Armor Options (5e Variant Rule)

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Welcome to the discussion page for Combat Realism - Defense and Armor Options (5e Variant Rule). Play-testing and feedback is the lifeblood of the homebrew and comments and experiences are much appreciated. The [RM]'s own homebrew rules evolved over time into Option 5: The Grand Unified Theory, which was found on [RM]'s table to integrate easily into the core rules, while fixing some longtime frustrations with the D&D combat system ("longtime" as the [RM] is a dinosaur and first homebrewed combat for AD&D). Improvements on the wiki itself also much appreciated (a warning: [RM]'s wiki skills are prehistoric and [RM] also often lapses into UK English spelling: including the original title of this article...). If this format works well, other established homebrew from [RM]'s table will be released over the coming months. --Rules.Mechanic (talk) 16:05, 7 March 2020 (MST)