Talk:Cindsler (5e Race)

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This race is feature-stacked. Would the OP like the features spread out over racial levels, or simply have some of the features trimmed? Marasmusine (talk) 14:50, 5 January 2024 (MST)

If you need help, take a look at Marasmusine Meter (5e Guideline), which is a rough way of scoring how powerful a race is. Each trait is scored 1, 0.5, 0.3 or 0.25 depending on its impact.

A race should have a total score between 2 and 3. Here's how Cindsler scores:

  • (1.5) Ability score increases beyond the standard +2 / +1
  • (3) Large size with no mitigating factors (see Large Races (DnD Guideline))
  • (0.5) 40-foot speed is useful most of the time, and exceeds the fastest of the core races.
  • (1) 55-foot climbing speed is exceptional
  • (0.33) Athletics proficiency
  • (0.33) carry/push/drag/lift bonus
  • (0.33) Intimidation proficiency
  • (0.33) Cold damage resistance
  • (0.25) High altitude acclimation. This isn't a specific environment in D&D but could be treated like an extremely cold environment (see DMG)
  • (0.33) Pyro ball is similar to a cantrip (by the way, it has no range)
  • (2) Power kicks as written doesn't work, because you use your action to Dash, you won't have another one for the power kick. Assuming this might mean bonus action or somesuch, this is a very powerful trait, dealing up to 10d8 damage (with the dash bonus) and knocking prone. This would be too powerful even if it was once between short rests.
  • (0.33) heightened hearing is a limited skill expertise
  • (0.33) Dash bonus
  • (0.25) Extra language.

The total is 10.8, so has traits worth about 4 characters. Decide what to remove. You could potentially split some of into subraces, or add racial class levels. Marasmusine (talk) 12:21, 12 January 2024 (MST)