Talk:Canis Humanis (3.5e Race)
Does the phrase "holy cats, unbalanced" have any place here?
+4 is a higher skill bonus than any of the races in the PBH, and I can only assume the "+4 to track" stacks with survival-- making it a +8 to use the survival skill to track. Also, "the track ability as a ranger" is a feat. Getting a bonus feat might be ok, but you've given them two-- and then you're stacking 2 points of fast healing on to of that. That's huge.
My suggestion:
-Drop Fast Healing. It isn't for low level characters in a normal game.
-Drop Track as a bonus feat. They can get it as a feat regularly, or when the take a level in Ranger. (besides, it becomes obsolete, for a "normal" Canis Humanis with class levels, since Ranger is their Favoured Class.)
-Rewrite the skill bonuses as +2 to listen and search, +4 to survival.
-Maybe even drop the Base Land Speed to 30 ft, since fighting in a party doesn't really give them much use for extra speed (and you say they are more human than dog).
-Otherwise, drop Fast Healing 2, and give them an LA of +1.
- Be bold and get in there and fix it :) Marasmusine (talk) 15:18, 16 March 2013 (MDT)