Talk:Boon of Apex Abjuration (5e Epic Boon)

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I am currently looking through the boons you made and enjoying them. It is my opinion the AC bonus may be too much; if you have play test feedback I'd love to hear it. Hopefully others post their experiences here too. BigShotFancyMan (talk) 14:14, 30 July 2018 (MDT)

Hey there! I was reading these, and I thought "Jeez, these are actually not that bad! They aren't too overpowered, and they grant some cool stuff!" I'm definitely including these in a campaign I intend to run for my friends this summer. I'll include some feedback once we actually encounter these! (Oh, btw, that campaign will probably be one of my first times DMing, so wish me luck!) --Sharpy796 (talk) 21:55, 15 May 2021 (CST)
Also, some stuff regarding the AC bump: If you think about it, +3 AC to all AC-granting spells would make Mage Armor 16 + Dexterity. It would also make Shield +8 instead of +5. Combined, that's a base 24 AC for as long as you have spell slots, and becomes 29 with +5 to Dexterity. Without the AC bump, that would normally be base 18, and 23 with +5 to Dexterity. I would say 29 would be too much, except for that this is a boon we are talking about, and from what I've heard, Tier 4 games (levels 17-20) get pretty hectic, with the abilities that players have access to breaking just about every rule in the book. I feel that a boon like this would fit in nicely without being extremely OP. Also, I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious as to what players would do with this sort of ability. --Sharpy796 (talk) 22:14, 15 May 2021 (CST)