Talk:Biological Apex, Variant (5e Class)

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I have essentially gone through and improved grammar, fixed spacing issues, and made some of the features clearer so as to avoid confusion. Additionally, I changed the gold amount to just 1d4 because it makes no sense for this class to have equipment. KrimsonLord (talk) 23:43, 19 December 2023 (MST)

Just saying good job![edit]

Heya'! This is the original creator of the Biological Apex class here. I wish I saw this sooner so I could've given you compliments sooner but, this is a great variant of the original! The modifications to the original features that I created function differently enough for it to be quite enjoyable in my mind. I know I'm quite late to the party but, great job man! It really is an honor to see one of my own creations get a variant. Someone caring enough to try and improve upon the original is something that I thought I'd never see for one of my own things. Sincerely, --KaiKaiTheSciencePie (talk) 00:38, 30 May 2024 (MDT)

Final version for now[edit]

I've sat here and edited, then re-edited, then re-re-edited this class, but now I am mostly satisfied. There are features at basically every level that feel like they would be worthwhile to use, the class has a powerful level 20 feature that sounds scary as hell, and most importantly of all to me right now, the class doesn't step too hard on the toes of any of the vanilla classes (or many of the homebrew ones I know well). The crit threshold and focus on unarmed strikes are a little bit on the toes of the monk and fighter, but like, you CANT use weapons, you are easier to hit, and thats just one of many subclasses, so all-in-all I don't feel too bad.

The classes ability to take from creatures is... frankly a little OP at times, and a little underpowered at others, at least as far as I can foresee. Monsters deal more damage. That is just a fact of the game, something there to help balance things out and like allow the big scary ones to fight against multiple superhero level people. Bio-Apex here is gonna break that a little, which is why there is no unarmored defense, the concession being that you pick your modifier for AC. It is also why you use the DC of the original creature outside your Apex Predator form, which honestly just makes sense in my head, like, why would your poison be better than that of the spider you are copying, your muscles stronger than the creature you have based them on?

--KrimsonLord (talk) 03:19, 26 November 2024 (MST)

And then I make a liar of myself. Added the ability to take AC, edited some stuff around to make some more sense, explained some things in a bit more detail, and now it should be playable and playtest ready.