Talk:Berserker Armor (5e Equipment)

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While looking at this armor, there appears to be several notable design and balance issues. I won't be covering every small issue but will try to cover the armor's main issues. As such, let us begin looking at this armor:

Berserker’s Frenzy. This armor's main issue is the Berserker’s Frenzy property for a large number of reasons. To boil down the issue down, the property is absurdly strong and tries to counteract this by having negative effects, which is an issue as in 5e negative effects to not offset positive ones. Even then, the armor has a number of design issues such as being an armor that increases your attack rolls which can break bounded accuracy, you should try to never temporarily adjust a PC's ability scores, 5e does not differentiate between in and out of combat and doesn't have a term to do so, the armor somewhat acts like a cursed armor, but cursed properties should only be negative, etc.

I could continue but suffice to say this armor is not balanced in its current iteration. --Blobby383b (talk) 14:16, 8 January 2022 (MST)

Hopefully the most recent edit has fixed most of these problems. While the bonus to attack and damage rolls has been seriously toned down (+5, technically +6 from the Strength increase, from a single item is certainly a yikes), it is an important aspect of what this armor is. Additionally, it was as high as it was to both make Berserker's Fury more threatening to all parties involved, as well as to make Awakened Fury worth an entire second creature (which would almost always be another player) giving up their turns and being far more vulnerable. That being said, if the balance still isn't quite there, I could see trading off some, though probably not all, of the attack bonus to increase the damage bonus.--Ref3rence (talk) 22:08, 28 January 2022 (MST)