Talk:BSAA Agent (3.5e Class)

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Called Shot Clarification[edit]

Does Called Shot proc for every single time you hit with your crossbow? That is, if you had twf tree + rapid shot, could you make the same number of unarmed strikes as you do crossbow shots as long as each one hits? --Ghostwheel 07:05, 25 July 2009 (MDT)


It only works once a round. Thanks for pointing out the error.


  • Full BAB, 2 Saves High, 10 HD, and 4+ Skills. = Better than a Paladin. Lame.
  • This is obviously just some fanboy's dream of whatever 'RESIDENT EVIL 4' would look like in D&D. And it's done without consideration for class roles or game balance. This class deserves deletion or, at minimum, ...a copyright notice. Bleh. --Jay Freedman 02:07, 4 July 2011 (MDT)

The Paladin? Do you throw a dice to decide which class to compare with? One should compare this with a ranger with favorite enemy: Undead and Aberrations and with compat style: Archery. Then one will find out that this is nearly the same and actually a little bit weaker. It has HD 10 and Ranger HD 8 but the Ranger get an Animal Compangion... It has improved Evasion the ranger has hide in plain sight It has strange Herbs but the ranger get Spell casting including the ability to use scrolls and wands. The Favored Enemy Version of Ranger ist actually stronger than what this class gets.-- 13:42, 23 September 2012 (MDT)


Power - 0/5 I give this class a 0 out of 5 because 'High Bab, 2 Saves High, 4+ skills, Full Hit Dice, plus Special Features. Which is better than a Paladin. And that is wrong. This class is also built without regard to class roles and gameplay mechanics.' --Jay Freedman 02:11, 4 July 2011 (MDT)

Wording - 5/5 I give this class a 5 out of 5 because 'Spelling and grammer errors where Un-hazardous.' --Jay Freedman 02:11, 4 July 2011 (MDT)

Formatting - 0/5 I give this class a 0 out of 5 because 'Missing Epic and Npc.' --Jay Freedman 02:11, 4 July 2011 (MDT)

Flavor - 3/5 I give this class a 3 out of 5 because 'This is just a badly designed fanboy's dream of RESIDENT EVIL 4. Bleh.' --Jay Freedman 02:11, 4 July 2011 (MDT)


Power - 5/5 I give this class a 5 out of 5 because the class has nice ablities make it a class that will become powerful. -- 16:21, 24 March 2012 (MDT)

Wording - 5/5 I give this class a 5 out of 5 because it is well written. -- 16:21, 24 March 2012 (MDT)

Formatting - 5/5 I give this class a 5 out of 5 because it is very well laid out. -- 16:21, 24 March 2012 (MDT)

Flavor - 5/5 I give this class a 5 out of 5 because it is a shout out to Resident Evil and playing a class that represents the iconic series is sure to be a lot of fun! -- 16:21, 24 March 2012 (MDT)