Talk:Aztec Warrior (5e Class)

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Looking for feedback

Are things balanced

What needs tweaking? Explanation?

Got other ideas for this class?

Why can only aztec warriors build atlatls? If the exist in the campaign surely anyone with the correct tool proficiency can craft one as normal as a downtime activity (in fact you even say you can hire someone else to make one)(
Compare defenses with other classes. For example, skull warrior is like a barbarian's unarmored defense, except you get an extra +2 AC (with studded leather). That's pretty powerful.
Sacrifice to the gods. I can use this to top up to maximum hit points whenever I want by, say, carrying around a bag of rats and killing them as I need. It's also not entirely clear sometimes if a creature has a heart or not. Does a zombie heart count? Does a fire elemental have a heart? A swarm of insects?
Don't use the phrase "per long rest". See the PHB for various correct terms.
I don't understand Iron Body. I make a Constitution saving throw. My Constitution modifier is, say, +4. How is it helpful that the roll not be lower than this?
Typos everywhere :)
jaguar warrior battle yell. How long can allies hold on to the +5 bonus? If they don't make their next attack until the following day, they still get the bonus? Can I battlecry every day and an ally doesn't attack during that time, do I stack up a +10, +15, +20 etc bonus? If a party is comprised of 5 jaguar warriors, and they all make a battle cry, does everyone get a +20 bonus on their next attack roll?
eagle warrior battle yell. 5th editions doesn't use random durations like "1d4 rounds". Instead you allow a creature to repeat the saving throw each turn. See various duration spells in the PHB for how to word this.
Skull warrior battle yell. What is an "Intimidation skill bonus"? An intimidation check is your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus (if applicable).
There's lots more, but I don't have the time right now. Marasmusine (talk) 03:03, 3 May 2019 (MDT)
Thanks. I really needed someone to go through this with a fine tooth comb. User:Bretane