Talk:Aysa's Plasma Cage (5e Spell)

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This 4th level spell deals 16d6 damage, something more appropriate for a spell of 9th level. --SirSprinkles 15:00, 13 August 2017‎ (UTC +09:00)

In addition to SirSprinkles' comments above, here are some comments from me:

  • No more "full round" casting in 5th edition. It's either 1 action, 1 round, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, or something else. I believe you must be familiar with 3.5rd edition?
  • No "focus" as a material component, either. Arcane focus, for sorcerer, is something you can replace your material components with, not a proper material component by itself.
  • The duration of the spell and the description does not match. The duration of this spell is "Concentration, up to 1 minute", but what the spell does is "[it] does 8d6 fire damage and 8d6 lighting damage." Does that mean the damage is spread across the duration of 1 minute, or the damage is instantenous but the cage remains for 1 minute? You must be specific.
  • The spell is very... bland. You take an entire round just to deal damage, nothing else. The damage is impressive, but frankly speaking, it's too much. And when the spell says it's "cage", I thought something of more of actually "caging" stuff, not a bland damage-dealing spell.
  • The description is literally two sentences. The rest of the "description" is just flavor texts.

In short: Needs rework to keep things interesting and balanced. --WeirdoWhoever (talk) 00:06, 13 August 2017 (MDT)