Talk:Aspect Master (3.5e Class)

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Honestly I think you should get rid of hybrid form and every 5 levels there animals form Natural claw attacks get 1 more Damage die. Also a restriction on how long they can be in there animal from for and a small restriction on what they get. Like they dont get to use the animal feats as he s not a true lycanthrope. Still keep the str dex and con bonus's involved with the morph. Really I would put it at a 4.5/5 for power with those 2 nerfs alone. I personally play this calls and those are what I did. I made it so he could not be hybrid from it was either the animal or the human. I aslo made it so he could only be in animal form for 1/2 con mod + 1/2 aspect master class levels. Also every 5 levels I just increased the Damage die of the animals claw attacks and still treated them as his fists for the purpose of DR and things. My race make perfect balance obsolete as he basicly turns into dust just before death to be revived with no knowledge of his previous life.

"Honestly I think you should get rid of hybrid form and every 5 levels there animals form Natural claw attacks get 1 more Damage die." They dont have an animal form, its base form or hybrid form only. I didn't intend for this class to be able to fully take on an animal form because then it seems more like a druid, rather I kept the hybrid form only because it seemed to fit better as the concept of an Aspect where your base form gains features of the animal you chose. Moreover, they only get the animal feats while in hybrid form because otherwise you're only gaining a stat boost and as is you can't use any Ki abilities (unless specified otherwise) which is a drop in utility, so if your player has asked to use them while in base form, they arent following the class design. The time limit is a good idea and I often considered it, and I think it will be one hour for every two levels of Aspect Master you possess, unlocking it indefinitely at level 20. Regarding the increase in hybrid claw/bite/etc; damage, I had made it included in a feature that you just add your unarmed bonus you get from the class to the creature's attacks just for sake of simplicity and a steady increase. " My race make perfect balance obsolete as he basically turns into dust just before death to be revived with no knowledge of his previous life." This statement has 0 relevance here. We are talking about the class, not race/class combinations. It is not uncommon at all for certain races to make class features useless or redundant or in some cases stronger then they are normally. In the end, thank you, I will add the time limit on the hybrid form. Also, lets not forget to sign our name please :) --Bricius (talk) 13:11, 8 April 2016 (MDT)