Talk:Ascent (Campaign Seed)

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Adopt Me![edit]

This was such a fantastic start I want to give it another chance to be adopted. Anyone want to take it who will actually work on it? Surgo 12:55, 13 April 2009 (MDT)

I'm a bit embarrassed - I had begun describing this gameworld while I was attending art school, and while the setting has remained in my mind, I had since forgotten that all of this information was here. Looking through some of my old gaming webpages this evening, I happened across a link to this site, and here I am. If it's not too much to ask, I would like the opportunity to finish describing this gameworld on this site. Mysterycycle 00:31, April 18 2009 (PST)
Please, do so. I would really hate to delete this page. Surgo 18:08, 21 April 2009 (MDT)


This page is beginning to get pretty long. You should consider breaking down information by category (i.e. locations, equipment, people, etc. etc.) like other Campaign Settings here on the wiki.   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   14:57, 25 January 2010 (UTC)