Talk:Armored Flurry of Blows (3.5e Feat)

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This feat isn't really all that useful. Let's take a monk with starting scores of Str 15 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 8 (-1). Your AC with this feat at first level goes from 13 to 16 (assuming a chain shirt), so not terrible, but not worth two feats. It only gets worse from there. At 5th level your armor-less AC is 14 vs. 16 with armor, by 15th level it's 16/16, and 20th level it's actually worse with armor than without. And this is all assuming you don't boost your Wisdom score or have a monk's belt; a monk's belt or +2 Wis lowers the level of unusability by 5 levels.

Now the advantage to this feat is if you want to completely dump Wisdom. If you change the above stats to 15/14/13/12/10/8 then it's actually always better to wear armor than to go without (assuming you ignore Wisdom boosts). But completely eliminating the need for an ability score seems pretty munchkiny to me. JazzMan 14:33, 3 July 2012 (MDT)

So this feat was originally made for a build with the prestige class Argent Fist ( Faiths of Eberron page 71), at second level you get the special

ability Holy armor:

Holy Armor (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, you
retain the AC bonus granted by your monk levels
(including Wisdom bonus to AC), even when wearing
armor or carrying a shield or a medium or heavy load.
This doesn’t extend to any other monk class features
lost when wearing armor or carrying a load (such as fast
movement and flurry of blows).
Second, i think over level 10 you can easily have some Mithrill Breastplate for 29.400 that's boosting your AC for +10.

--Dean iper (talk) 13:28, 4 July 2012 (MDT)

I don't know if this feat relying on one specific class makes it better or worse. I guess it's great if you want to go into that class but rather useless without it. You should probably find a way to link this feat to that class.
Half of that AC bonus from your above-mentioned armor comes from the magical enhancement; for the exact same price you can get bracers of armor which do the same thing. The only difference that mithral adds to my above argument is that it costs 4,100gp more than a chain shirt, for which you get +1 AC and +1 max Dex (which is only relevant if you have 20 or more Dex). For that same 4,100gp you can get a Ring of Protection +1 (which is good against touch attacks; mithral breastplate is not) and an Amulet of Natural Armor +1, and still have 100gp left over. OR I could drop both of them, get a Periapt of Wisdom, which still raises my AC by +1, but also boosts my will saves by +1. JazzMan 13:49, 4 July 2012 (MDT)