Talk:Arbalest (5e Equipment)

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Historical Accuracy[edit]

Revision: 15:25, 20 May 2019[edit]

Marasmusine, I appreciate the input, but this weapon was created with the idea of replacing rifle-style firearms, such as the Bad News from Matthew Mercer's Gunslinger. It already has some significant drawbacks in comparison, and I think the current revision is fairly balanced.
Requiring 3 total actions to deal 2d10 damage, as stated in your edit, would make the weapon virtually unusable.

That said, I'm open to any feedback you have. --TheStrand (talk) 14:34, 17 September 2019 (MDT)

  • The misfire property isn't explained
  • It can deal an average of 13 damage each turn
  • The movement forfeit doesn't balance the damage increase, but it does make battles less dynamic.
  • 2d10 damage with 2 actions to reload isn't "virtually unusable". You use the arbalest at the start of a battle to deal better-than-normal damage, then switch to melee or a faster ranged weapon.
  • You might like to create your version under a different page ID for the sake of people looking for a historical arbalest (e.g. the arbalest *is* a medieval weapon, not renaissance). Marasmusine (talk) 06:28, 18 September 2019 (MDT)