Talented (5e Background)

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Most people are born without a talent, they develop their skills as they grow and become so good that they mistake it for a talent, but not you, you were actually born with an innate talent that can define your future, or become a piece in the puzzle of destiny.

Think for a moment. What is your talent? Did it come from somewhere magical? How long did it take you to discover this talent? These are questions that you should ask yourself and answer in your character's place. You may be someone who surpasses even the expectations of an archmage, or you may be someone with a natural ability to wield two swords. Whatever your talent is, it has brought you to where you are today, directly or indirectly.

Skill Proficiencies: You are proficient in two of the following skills of your choice. After all, you are not like the others, you were born with the ability for this.

Tool Proficiencies: Two tools of your choice.

Languages: One language of your choice.

Equipment: You start with a suit of clothing of any kind, a few (1d8) gold pieces, and a memento of your talent (this could be a wooden staff you used as a child or a sword you received from your teacher).

Feature: Most Talented[edit]

Your early development was due to an immense talent for something, and this carried you forward. Choose a feat and add it to your skills list.

Suggested Features[edit]

You can use combinations of features from any other backgrounds that best suit your story and your talent.

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