Swordbreaker, 2nd Variant (5e Equipment)

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Swordbreaker, 2nd Variant

Martial Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Swordbreaker, 2nd Variant 40 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Light, Special

The swordbreaker is an advancement from the normal parrying dagger. Slightly longer, and with one sharp edge, the most notable feature of this blade is the many teeth-like indentations carved into its flat edge which can be used to catch the enemy's sword in a duel. While versatile, these weapons are tedious to manufacture, and thus are very expensive and rare.

Special. When you are missed by a melee weapon attack that does piercing or slashing damage, you may use your reaction to attempt to catch the weapon. Make an attack roll with the swordbreaker contested with the melee attack made against you. This roll is made with disadvantage if the weapon has the heavy property. If you succeed the contest, the weapon is caught, and the target is considered grappled as long as they hold on to the weapon. Both weapons have disadvantage on attack rolls made with them while they are engaged in this state, with the exception of the specific attack rolls made by the swordbreaker detailed below.

On your turn, you may replace an attack made as part of the attack action with a special move meant to disarm the caught weapon from its owner's grasp. Make an attack roll contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a success, the target drops the item, but otherwise takes no damage or other ill effect. You have disadvantage on the attack roll if the target is holding the item with two or more hands. The target has advantage on its ability check if it larger than you, or disadvantage if it is smaller. This is treated the exact same as the optional rule for disarming found in page 271 of the DMG.

On its turn as an action, the owner of the caught weapon may attempt to remove the caught weapon from the swordbreaker. It must make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by an attack roll made with the swordbreaker. If the owner wins the contest, it successfully frees its weapon from the swordbreaker. Otherwise, it does not.

Design Note: If the campaign you are playing in is using the optional rule for disarming as found in page 271 of the DMG, then the attack roll made with the swordbreaker's special disarming move is made with advantage.

See Also:

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A swordbreaker