Surnames (3.5e Other)
At last, your feats have been recognized. Yours is a name history will forever remember, whether in light or shadow...Surnames are earned through various trials of skill and endurance, each granting a specific boon proportional to the difficulty of its acquisition. Surname abilities can be used only once per turn.
- Transference: Succeed 4 aid another checks consecutively or 7 through the encounter Boontransfer the effect of any one surname to another player; this does not count as a use for you.
- Untouchable: monsters fail to roll above your ac, either three times consecutively, or six times through an encounter. Boon Once per encounter, spend a standard action to dodge any attack and its associated damage, taking none even if the attack would normally deal damage when failing to strike its target.
- The Favored: Roll two consecutive critical hits in one encounter, or five through the course of the encounter. Boon Once per day, change a critical failure (1) to a critical hit (20). Below, all '20s' mentioned refer to critical hits.
-Favored level 2: roll three consecutive 20s or five through the encounter. Boon use your Favored power twice per encounter
-Favored level 3: roll four consecutive 20s or six through the encounter. Boon use your Favored power as an at will ability out of combat.
-Favored level 4: roll five consecutive 20s or seven through the encounter. Boon treat a natural 19 as a natural 20
-Favored level 5: roll six consecutive 20s or eight through the encounter. Boon once per day, any creature that rolls a critical hit on you or your allies, must reroll the attack, and take the second roll.
-Favored level 6: roll seven consecutive 20s or eight through the encounter Boon once per day, take the critical hit dealt by any creature to you or your allies, and deal it back to them, as if it were you who rolled it. This does not use an action.
-Favored level 7: roll eight consecutive 20s or nine through the encounter Boon reroll any critical failure rolled by you or your allies once per day; this does not use an action.
-Favored level 8: roll nine consecutive 20s or eleven through the encounter Boon reroll any critical failure rolled by you or your allies once per encounter.
-Favored level 9: roll twelve consecutive 20s or fifteen through the encounter Boon reroll any failing roll made by you or your allies once per day; you must take an extended rest (or in the case of Hos'ri-ein [1] must pass one microtrial without gaining its benefit.)
-Favored level 10: roll twenty consecutive 20s or nineteen through the encounter Boon change any result of 1 on any die to its maximum result once per day.
-Favored level 11: roll thirty consecutive 20s or twenty nine through the encounter Boon reroll any failing roll made by you or your allies once per encounter.
-Favored level 12: roll forty consecutive 20s or thirty nine through the encounter Boon roll any dice again, during a roll of any kind (attack, skill check...) add 1/2 of this result to your previous roll (unless the result is one; treat this as one).
-Favored level 13: roll fifty consecutive 20s or forty five through the encounter Boon when rolling, add one more die than usual; if this is a critical hit, deal twice your normal damage.
- Ironhide: Succeed five fortitude saves consecutively, or ten through the course of the encounter. Boon Once per encounter, take a hit of any kind, whether environmental, or attack, without suffering any damage so long as the damage would not exceed 1/2 of your maximum health.
-Ironhide level 2: succeed seven consecutive fortitude saves, or twelve through the encounter. Boon Once per day, the next three attacks rolled against you count as failures.
-Ironhide level 3: succeed ten consecutive fortitude saves, or fifteen through the encounter. Boon Once per day, when you would normally take damage, add this instead, as temporary hitpoints.
- Berserker: Take three times your maximum health in damage over the course of one encounter, without dying or taking the death and dying saves. Boon Once per encounter, deal an enemy's attack, back at them, dealing their damage in place of yours.
- The Avenging: Lose three allies in a single encounter, without killing them. Boon Gain +1 for each ally adjacent, and +5 for each adjacent creature that has attacked your allies until the end of the encounter.
-The Avenging level 2: Lose five allies in a single encounter without willing them. Boon gain +3 for each ally adjacent and +7 for each adjacent creature that has attacked your allies until the end of the encounter.
- The Swift: Succeed three dexterity checks consecutively, or eight through the course of the encounter. Boon Gain +5 to all dexterity checks until the end of the encounter.
- The Mighty: Succeed three consecutive strength checks, or eight over the course of the encounter. Boon Once per encounter, deal your strength modifier in damage, even if other effects already do this, meaning that in the case of a power that already deals your strength modifier in damage, you would deal twice your modifier.
- The Vile: Kill six creatures that would not have posed a risk to you, or anyone else (small animals and insects do not count). Boon +5 against all creatures of good alignment, and +2 toward criticals against such creatures.
- The Pure: Kill one hundred creatures of evil alignment. Boon +5 against all creatures of evil alignment, and +4 toward criticals against such creatures.
- The Heartless: Kill five creatures that have already surrendered to you, or your allies. Boon gain +3 against the alignment of those you murdered, and add an additional 1d12+2 damage to all successful hits.
- The Steel-Willed: Succeed five consecutive will saves, or fifteen throughout an encounter. Boon gain a +5 to will once per encounter, or a +10 to will once per day.
-The Steel-Willed Level 2: Succeed ten consecutive will saves. These wounds mean nothing to you; your will is strong, and your body stronger. Boon ignore all damage less than your constitution score.
- The Unstoppable: Kill 2 foes without taking damage in a single encounter. Boon once per day you can add a healing surge as temporary hp.
-Level 2: kill 5 foes without taking damage in a single encounter. Boon once per day add 1d4 to your armor class. This lasts until the encounter ends.
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