Supreme Master (5e Template)
PEREQUISIT:must have the Master (5e Template) and Great Master (5e Template) Statistics[edit] Hit Dice. Increase the supreme master's hit dice by 8.
Abilities. Increase each of the supreme master's ability scores by 4 to a maximum of 30.
Damage resistances. The supreme master gains resistance to bludgeon, piercing and slashing damage.
Languages. The supreme master gains any five languages. If the base creature cannot speak, the supreme master cannot speak this language, but can understand it.
Saving Throws. The great master gains proficiency in any one saving throw.
Skills. The great master gains proficiency in any one skill.
Legendary resistance (3/Day). The supreme Master may choose to succeed on a saving throw it failed. When the supreme Master takes the multiattack action he/she may make on additional attack.
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