Summoning Inquisitor (Pathfinder Inquisitor Archetype)

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Summoning Inquisitor (simple)[edit]

This is an archetype of the Inquisitor class.

I can either send you to hell or bring hell to you. Which would you prefer?

Summoning Inquisitor Features[edit]

Spells: You cast divine spells drawn from the summoner spell list instead of the inquisitor spell list. You cannot cast spells that rely on class features you do not have.

This modifies spells.

Bonus Spells: At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, you gain one additional spell known of the highest spell level you can cast. If you can select a summon monster spell as this bonus spell, you must select that summon monster spell. Otherwise, you can select any spell of the appropriate level from your spell list.

This replaces solo tactics and all teamwork feats.

Original Source Rite Publishing’s 101 Simple Archetypes

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