Summon Fire Creature (3.5e Power)

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Summon Fire Creature
Level: Pyroblade 2, Psychic Warrior 4
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 round per lvl
Power Points: see text

Summon a creature to your aid. This creature is a normal animal with the addition of certain fire powers. These additional powers are determined by one of three templates added to the creature. The maximum CR of the base animal available to be summoned is equal to 2/3 times your pyroblade level. The best template version you can add to the creature is equal to 1/5 of your pyroblade level, max 3. The power point cost is calculated by adding the CR of the creature to 2 times the number of the template being used.

Fire Creature Templates
The Fire Creature Templates are as follows:

Template Version One: Animals with this template version are touched with fire. Their natural attacks act as if they are flaming weapons, dealing an extra d6 fire damage. The target of a successful attack also must make a DC 12 reflex save to avoid catching on fire for 1d4 rounds.

Template Version Two: Animals with this template version seem to be engulfed by flame. Their natural attacks act as if they are flame burst weapons, dealing an extra d6 fire damage as well as an extra d10 fire damage on critical hits. The creature also has a frightful presence, forcing people to make a DC 15 will save to avoid becoming frightened. Any class that specializes in fire is immune to the frightful presence. Attacks against them have a 20 percent miss chance, overcome by cold damage, which has a 20 percent chance of doing double damage.

Template Version Three: Animals with this template version are made up entirely of flame. Their natural attacks have 2d6 extra fire damage, and deal 2d8 extra fire damage on successful critical hits. They are immune to fire damage, and cannot be touched except by magic weapons, which have a 50 percent miss chance, overcome by cold damage, which has a 50 percent chance of doing double damage, and always does 150 percent of normal damage. These creatures also have frightful presence, DC 20 will save. Any class that specializes in fire is immune to the frightful presence.

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