Subterra Gorem (3.5e Race)

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Subterra Gorem[edit]


Subterra Gorem are commonly easy going and peaceful beings wandering around their selected living areas enjoying their surroundings.

Physical Description[edit]

Standing at roughly 100ft tall Subterra Gorem are a race of colossal beings made of stone and magic, their skins are made of hard stone ranging in color from browns and tans to blacks and greys with moss commonly growing on them, their eyes are always glowing bright primary colors such as Red, Blue, Green, etc.


Subterra Gorems spend most of their time in and around forests and mountains so they come into contact with many races common to those locations, their known for their strength and durability and are often times regarded as guardians of the areas they inhabit. However more people from cities look at these gentle giants as dangerous simply because of their immense strength, size and durability.


Commonly True Neutral however they can lean towards any of the Neutral or Good alignments.


Forests and Mountains.


Subterra Gorem don't usually worship any deity.


Gorem is a secret language known only to the Gorem and is not granted to anyone by feats or spells, its is a language that consists of various sighs, grunts and groans.


Subterra Gorem usually go by Gorem or if they feel close to their allies they will allow their allies to grant them a name.

Racial Traits[edit]

  • +20 to strength, -10 to Intelligence
  • Living Construct
  • Colossal, +16 to Special Attacks, -16 to Hide
  • Subterra Gorem: base land speed = 80ft
  • Hit Dice: 10D20 + Constitution Modifier.
  • Natural Armor: +45
  • Become ball: Subterra Gorem can shrink itself and become a small ball about the size of a marble made of stone and can do this and revert back to their original form at will. They can not move while in ball form but can speak.
  • Construct: Subterra Gorem does not need to eat, sleep, drink or breathe, immunity to fire, dispell magic has no effect and Subterra Gorem can not "Die" but can be destroyed or deactivated, however they can also be reactivated by repairing them.
  • Earth Glide: Subterra Gorem has the ability to walk through anything made of natural materials.
  • Shape Earth: Subterra Gorem are able to shape the earth around them in a 100x100 square in any way they see fit for the situation.
  • Modification: Subterra Gorem is able to remove and replace parts of its body with weapons or tools which can not be disarmed unless the whole part of the body is cut off, this also allows Subterra Gorem to reattach limbs as a move action while in combat.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, (Secret) Gorem, Giant, Terran. Bonus Languages: Any language except secret languages.
  • Favored Class: Barbarian, Fighter, Monk.
  • Level Adjustment: +2

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