Strong Grip Strength (5e Feat)

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Strong Grip Strength

Prerequisites: Strength 17 or higher
You have outstanding strength among others, which allows you to wield your weapons in different ways due to your great grip strength. You gain the following benefits on melee weapons:

  • You ignore the effect of heavy and two-handed property of melee weapons, allowing you to carry these weapons one-handed as long as you have a strength of 17 or more.
  • When you hit with a weapon that possessed heavy and two-handed property by wielding in both hands, add additional damage equal to 1d4 and its critical becomes 19 to 20. If the attack hits it pushes the creature 5ft.
  • Weapons with versatile property use the versatile damage even when used one-handed and if you are carrying a melee weapon that lacks the heavy and two-handed property, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action.
  • Because of your immense grappling strength, at Strength checks to maintain possession of your weapons against disarming effects not greater than 8 + Proficiency mod. + Strength mod. are passed without a roll, creatures grappled by you have disadvantage on their rolls to get out of a grapple/restrained.
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