Strigoi Ghoul (3.5e Race)

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The Strigoi ghouls[edit]


aggressive and barbaric, Strigoi ghouls which are created by a bite of a half vampire often hunt in packs of two or three, and often really more on instincts rather than actual thought. HOWEVER, a strigoi ghoul is more than capable of intelligent thought, and can actually carry out a semi-normal life. a Bite from a Strigoi ghoul is capable of transforming a human, or any other species capable of thought, into a strogoi ghoul, but is unable to control it as a minion.

Physical Description[edit]

bestial in appearce, strigoi's mimic the creature they once were, but with rippling muscles, a more bestial face, pale gray skin, and long, sharp fangs and squinting eyes, with long, speared ears. they appear to move about on all fours, using their long, razor like claws to cling to surfaces such as ceilings.

the muscles in the legs allow the Strigoi ghoul to leap off of almost any terrain, and survive falls which would normally cripple another being.


Strigoi ghouls are normally considered nothing more than primitive beasts, despised by the "normals", and those which are employed are often used for manual work, such as shifting derby from tunnels, mining, or simply for the bloody sport of gladiatorial combat.

A recent trend has spread through the classes of the upper-class, meaning that many Strigoi ghouls are employed as guard dogs, or sometimes just as barbaric pets.


Whilst many of their realatives are seen as evil beings, Strigoi ghouls are more often than not, neautral good. a strigoi ghoul that is chaotic neautral or chaotic evil is classified as a "degenerate", and will use their beastial strength to get respect, or infamy, they believe they deserve. a neutral good, or lawful good Strigoi is classified as a "civilian", meaning that stories of their deeds have passed from town to town, so whilst they are not anymore liked, they are treated as most other species.


Strigoi ghouls live in swampy, or cavern areas. their long claws make them especially good at clinging onto faces such as bark or rock, making them predators to be feared in these habbitats.


Strigoi ghouls have no religion of their own, prefering to believe in the might of numbers in their packs. that does not mean however, that a Strigoi will not worship a god.


Strigoi ghouls have the natural language of the morri, a clan of Strigoi ghouls descendants from vampires that only reproduced through more natural means..meaning, not by biting. STrigoi's are capable of speaking any language, if given he time to learn it. they can naturally speak common and abyssal too


Strigoi ghouls don't often take names of their own, prefering to take one from another race. there are a few examples to this rule however, such as the following:

Varghulf Grimal t'railo

Racial Traits[edit]

  • +2 to strength, + 2 to dex, - 2 intellegence, - 2 charisma : Strigois are powerful, and capable of leaping off any surface, yet they arn't as bright as they once were, and are more often disliked than they use to be.
  • humanoid (beastial)THEY ARE NOT UNDEAD, so they still get a constitution score.
  • medium
  • strigoi base land speed is 50 feet:
  • wall walker : strigoi's claws allow them to move on nearly any surface. due to this, they are treated as if effected by the spiderwalk ability, unless effected by a spell that blocks this effect, or their claws are removed
  • night vision: vision is not impaired in the dark
  • Timesless: a Strigoi ghoul does not age
  • Spell-Like Ability: Ghoul's bite: a Strigoi ghoul may sacrifice they're attack for this turn, to make a bite attack which turns the enemy into a strigoi ghoul. they must pass the opponents ac, and the foe must make a will check of 10+Strigoi ghouls level, which if failed, takes the victim out of the fight. the victim dies, then resurects three days later as a strigoi ghoul.
  • a strigoi ghoul gets +4 natural ac, and does not take damage from a fall shorter than 20feet
  • a strigoi ghoul gets a racial benefit of +4 to their jump ability
  • Automatic Languages: Morri, common, abyysal Bonus Languages: any
  • Favored Class: barbarian, fighter
  • Level Adjustment: +1

Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male ' " + lb. × () lb.
Female ' " + lb. × () lb.

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