Starborn (4e Race)

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Strange, powerful warriors, born from the nightly heavens.

Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'10- 6'2
Average Weight: 100 -135 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity
Size: Medium
Speed: 7 squares squares
Vision: Darkvision
Languages: Common, Supernal
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Insight
Skill Training: You gain Skill Training as an additional feat.
Bonus Feat: You get one bonus feat at first level.
Star Touch: You gain Star Touch as an encounter power.

Star Touch Starborn Racial Power
You channel black, glowing force through your hand for an extra powerful attack.
Encounter Star.gif Force
Minor Action Melee Touch, Melee Weapon
Prerequisite: Starborn Race
Target: One Creature

Hit:2d6 +Intelligence modifier force damage, Increase to 3d6 +Intelligence modifier at 21st level.

  • Play a Starborn if you want to be a member of a race that favours the rogue, ranger, and warlock classes.

Characteristics: Black Skin and large White eyes.

Male Names: End with -eon.

Female Names: End with -ian.

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