Spellforged (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Hulking elemental like creatures, spell forged tend to be bound to one of four magical elements: Fire, water, acid or lightning. their construct consists of rocks weaved with this magical element to form a magic elemental like being.


An ancient race of non descript existence. Spellforged are creatures created through various means - they are genderless creatures often made by magic users or magical anomalies.

They lack siginifacant history and are generally seen wandering the land without purpose, being dragged around as a servant and on the very rare occasion a spellforged can gain a singular purpose through a various mean and will do anything to fulfil it possibly leading them to adventure.


Spellforged tend to lack society and often live for themselves.

Spellforged Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and one other score increases by 1.
Age. Spellforged are magical creatures and tend to have existed for about 50-1000 years. They don't age but as they get older their magic grows weaker and by the age of about 2000 their magic will fizzle out.
Alignment. Spellforged tend to be unaligned (Lawful Neutral or True Neutral) but on rare occurrence they may have gained a purpose changing their alignment.
Size. Spellforged are a medium creature taller than humans but not massive.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25ft. You are a slow lumbering creature who's heavy body weighs them down.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Magical Form. Your body is made of magical energy and rock and hence magic that effects the power of magic such as dispell magic e.c.t will effect your body in a negative way. when such spell is cast and you are the target you need to make a constitution saving throw against the targets spell save DC. on a failure you are not dispelled entirely but you are stunned for 1 round as magical energy is drawn directly out of your body. You don't need to eat drink or breathe. You are immune to disease and the poisoned condition.
Absorption. You are immune to your elements damage and when receiving it is added directly to your mass allowing you to regain 1d4 hitpoints. Once per long rest you may draw stone directly from the ground gaining 1d4+Con mod of temporary hit points for 1 hour.
element choice. as a spellforged your element will give you an effect. read below to see what yours could do.
Magical Armor. When you adorn Armor it must be added to the rock on your body instead of you putting it on. if your Armor allows you to add you dexterity modifier to the total use constitution instead. if you are not wearing armor your AC is equal to 12+Constitution modifier.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial


Acid Born. Corrosive Barrage: As an action you hurl a barrage of Acid at one creature (you may target another if there is one within 5ft). they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8+constituion acid damage and have their AC reduced by 1 (AC is reduced by 2 at 7th level and 3 at 13th.), You may use this feature once per short/long rest. Acidic form: Stuff you touch tends to corrode and disolve - if anything metal is entered into your body it will corrode and dissolve in 10 minutes the item will be permanently destroyed
Fire Born. Explosive demise: when reduced to 0 hitpoints every creature within 10 feet makes a DC 10+prof bonus+con mod Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6+con (Becomes 3d6 at 7th Level and 4d6 at 13th Level) in fire damage or half on a success this feature can only be used once per long rest. your body produces natural light of 30ft and can be used to create fire at will.
Lightning Born. Faster than the eye: Your movement speed becomes 70ft. Arcing Strike: As an action you slam your arms into the ground each creature in a 10ft cone in front of you takes 1d6+Con lightning damage (Becomes 2d6 at 7th level and 3d6 at 13th) and is knocked back 5ft unless they success on a dexterity saving throw equal to 10+prof bonus+con mod.

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