Soul of the Oak (3.5e Bodily Relic)

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Soul of the Oak[edit]

The Soul of the Oak is a Bodily Relic that takes the form of a glowing, green gem stone that lies engrained in the chest of the person who has it. This stone seems to directly alter an aspect of the person in question, it isn't entirely sure what this altered aspect is, but it is believed to be the divine presence of the person in question. Due to this the eyes of the person who have this Bodily Relic don't seem to have pupils and are always glowing a vibrant green color.

Nature of the Soul of the Oak[edit]

Physical Affects of the Soul of the Oak[edit]

A person with the Soul of the Oak tend to be much taller and broader than most of their race, with slightly grey skin that seems to be capable of surviving even the worst enviroments. The person with this Bodily Relic also seems to be much more naturally fit than a normal person of their race. The eyes of a person with the Soul of the Oak are the most striking feature they have, pupilless and glowing a vibrant green, they seem to almost be a direct link to nature.

Mental Affects of the Soul of the Oak[edit]

A personality of a person with the Soul of the Oak will always follow a certaint path. The person in question will always love the land, wishing to protect it at all costs. They will also despise anything that harms the land, wishing it to be stopped or destroyed in some way.

Properties of the Soul of the Oak[edit]

Crafting and Transfering of the Soul of the Oak[edit]

The Sol of the Oak is a tricky (often dangerous) Bodily Relic to transfer from one person to another. The Relic itself is actually filled with such potent eldritch energy that it has the ability to destroy cities if it becomes unstable in some way. The exact way to make this Relic unstable is unknown, although it occurs at random during the transfering process (7% chance) and there is no warning before it happens. If it does happen then it explodes in a 150 foot radius, dealing 15d8 to everything caught in the blast radius. This damage bypasses damage reduction and energy resistance of every kind.

To transfer the Soul of the Oak it must be removed from the doners body by putting small slivers of gold under the skin around the stone, these slivers of gold cannot stay there for less than 2 hours, or more than 3 hours (the doner does not need to be awake for this process). If the slivers are left there for too long then the person becomes dizzy, and after 30 minutes, dies unless the slivers are removed. If the slivers are taken out too early then the Relic will not be able to be removed until the gold slivers are put back in for an appropriate time. Once the slivers have been in the persons skin for enough time the Relic can just be lifted out of the body. If the Relic is attempted to be forcibly removed then it's light winks out and it becomes a normal stone. There will be no wound left behind by the stone if removed properly, but if forciblly removed then the doner takes 3d8 damage. The strength check DC for forciblly removing the Soul of the Oak is 30. Once the Soul of the Oak has been removed it must then be placed on the recipients chest for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes have passed the recipients chest appears burned where the stone touch it, this "burned" area is complete numb and must be cut out of the persons body, after the "burned" area has been removed then the stone must be placed in the recess. As soon as the stone has been placed fully in the recess then the skin seems to grow very quickly around it, closing any wound that had been there. There is no way to craft the Soul of the Oak from pre-existing materials. Only a character who has 20 or more ranks in Craft(Bodily Relic) knows any of this information, the craft DC for this entire proccess is 25, if this DC is failed, then the entire proccess fails and the Relic winks out, becoming a normal stone.

If a person looses the Soul of the Oak then they go into a withdrawal like state immediately, taking 1d6 constitution damage unless they pass a fortitude save with a DC equal to (10+the number of days since the person lost the Relic) once a day for 2 months, this damge heals one point a day, no matter what happens during the day. If a persons constitution score drops to 0 during this month then they die outright. During these 2 months their eyes stop glowing and pupils apear. As soon as a person recieves the Soul of the Oak they pass out, sleeping for 2 months solid. Once they wake up though their personality will be completely different, unless it already was the personality that was mentioned in Mental Affects of the Soul of the Oak. During these 2 months the pupils of a persons eyes seem to fade and their eyes begin glowing.

Immunities of the Soul of the Oak[edit]

The stone that is the Bodily Relic Soul of the Oak is nigh impossible to harm. It is completely immune to all types of magic and cannot be harmed from any amount of physical damage or fire damage. Although, if a person is affected by magic that moves or affects their body in some way, the Soul of the Oak is affected as though it didn't have any immunities to magic.

Occurances of the Soul of the Oak[edit]

The Soul of the Oak is an incrediblly rare Bodily Relic. Only 1 in 10,000 people even have it, and few others know about it. The Soul of the Oak is not passed down through bloodlines and people can only be born with it if they were born within 25 miles of an incrediblly powerful force of nature, even then there is only a 1% chance of it happening.

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