Song Meister (5e Class)

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Song Meister[edit]

A Song Meister had, at one time, desired to become a Bard. However, for some reason or another, they were not able to do so. This could have been due to several reasons, ranging from not being to find a proper teacher to having some personal reason to abandon their efforts on becoming a bard. Instead, the Song Meister turned to perfecting their singing voice and fancy feet.

What happened to stop you from becoming a bard? Did the bard teaching you to leave before completing your lessons? Were you too poor to afford lessons? Did you realize you were not talented enough?

When did you realize that your singing voice was your greatest strength? Was it your parents who inspired you to sing? Were you singing to yourself, only for a bard to over hear and compliment you? Did you spend time at your local tavern singing to earn spare pocket money?

Creating a Song Meister[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Song Meister quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the Entertainer background.

Class Features

As a Song Meister you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Song Meister level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Song Meister level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Finesse Weapons
Tools: Alchemist's supplies, one music instrument of choice
Saving Throws: Charisma, Dexterity
Skills: Pick 3 from acrobatics, athletics, deception, insight, intimidation, perception, performance, persuasion, stealth, survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a Chakram or (b) a Shortsword
  • (a) a Threaded Cane or (b) a Whip
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a diplomat's pack or (c) an entertainer's pack
  • Fine Clothes, and a Dagger, and 15 gp
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d6 x3 in funds.

Table: The Song Meister

Level Proficiency
Features Songs Known Cantrips Known Spells Known —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Novice Song Meister, Sing 1
2nd +2 1 2 4 2
3rd +2 Spellcasting 1 2 4 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1 2 5 3
5th +3 Apprentice Song Meister 3 2 5 4 2
6th +3 Abrupt Silence, Hymnal Study 3 2 6 4 2
7th +3 Vocal Renewal 3 2 6 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Duet, Hymnal Study 5 3 7 4 3
9th +4 Adept Song Meister, Battle Singer 5 3 7 4 3 2
10th +4 Sub-harmonics, Duel Composition, Hymnal Study 5 3 8 4 3 2
11th +4 Hymnal Study, Projection 7 3 8 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 3 9 4 3 3
13th +5 Expert Song Meister, Hymnal Study, Strained Voice 7 3 9 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Musical Attunement 9 3 10 4 3 3 1
15th +5 9 3 10 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Hymnal Study 9 3 11 4 3 3 2
17th +6 10 3 11 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 10 3 12 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Master Song Meister 10 3 12 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 One Man Choir 11 4 14 4 3 3 3 2

Song Meister Song Slots[edit]

The Song Meister Song Slot Table shows how many song slots you have to sing your songs of Novice level and higher. To sing one of these songs, you must expend a slot of the song's level. You regain all expended song slots when you finish a long rest.

Song Meister Song Slot Table

Level Novice Apprentice Adept Expert Master
1st 1 0 0 0 0
2nd 1 0 0 0 0
3rd 1 0 0 0 0
4th 1 0 0 0 0
5th 1 1 0 0 0
6th 2 1 0 0 0
7th 2 1 0 0 0
8th 2 2 0 0 0
9th 2 2 1 0 0
10th 3 2 1 0 0
11th 3 2 2 0 0
12th 3 2 2 0 0
13th 3 3 2 1 0
14th 3 3 2 1 0
15th 3 3 2 1 0
16th 3 3 2 2 0
17th 3 3 2 2 0
18th 3 3 2 2 0
19th 3 3 2 2 1
20th 3 3 2 2 1

Features Explained[edit]

Novice Song Meister[edit]

You have started on the path of the Song Meister. The range of all songs is now a 30 feet radius starting from the singer. Your are now also able learn Novice level songs and learn 1 Novice song. When using an Novice level song slot, the duration of that song is 1d4 + 1 turns.

Hymnal Study[edit]

When you reach the appropriate level, you can learn one more song. At level 6 and 10, you can learn one more Novice Song. At level 8 and 13 you can learn one more Apprentice Song. At level 11 you can learn one more Adept Song. At level 16 you can learn one more Expert Song.


At the start of your turn, you can choose to sing one of the songs you have learned. While you are singing, you can only make one other action.


While the song is in effect, you are only able to use one other action. All songs must be maintained with Concentration for the duration that it lasts. Whenever you take damage while you are singing, must make a Constitution saving throw to maintain your Concentration. The DC equals 10 or half the damage you take, whichever number is higher. If you take damage from multiple sources, such as an arrow and a dragon’s breath, you make a separate saving throw for each source of damage. If you fail, the song ends, and you must wait turn before singing again.

Incapacitation or Killed

If you are incapacitated (Paralyzed, Petrified, Stunned, Unconscious) you are unable to sing.


At the 2nd level, you have learned to untangle and reshape the fabric of reality in accordance with your perceptions of reality and history. Your spells are part of your vast repertoire, magic that you can tune to different situations.


You know two cantrips of your choice from the bard spell list. You learn additional bard cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Bard table.

Spell Slots

The Bard table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell cure wounds and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast cure wounds using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the bard spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Bard table shows when you learn more bard spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown on the table. For instance, when you reach 4th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the bard spells you know and replace it with another spell from the bard spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your bard spells. Your magic comes from the heart and soul you pour into your performance. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a bard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast any bard spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a musical instrument (see “Equipment”) or other tool aiding your performance as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Apprentice Song Meister[edit]

You have gained some skill in the art of the Song Meister. The range of all songs is now a 35 feet radius starting from the singer. Your are now also able learn Apprentice level songs and you learn one Apprentice song. When using an Apprentice level song, the duration of that song is 1d4 + 2 turns. Once the song ends, you must wait 1 full turn before being able to sing again.


When you are singing a song, select an ally that is in range of your singing level. As long as the current song is in effect, you attack the same target your ally is attacking if you are in range of it. However, while this ability is in effect, your are not able to make another action until the song ends.

Battle Singer[edit]

You have practiced casting spells and singing songs in the midst of combat, learning techniques that grant you the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell or singing a song when you take damage.
  • You can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
  • When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action and must target only that creature.

Adept Song Meister[edit]

Your ability in the art of the Song Meister has progressed further. The range of all songs is now a 40 feet radius starting from the singer. Your are now also able learn Adept level songs and you learn one Adept Song. When using an Adept Song, the duration of that song is 1d4 + 3 turns. When the song ends, you must wait 1 full turn before singing again.

Abrupt Silence[edit]

When you are attack in the middle of a song, you can use a reaction to stop singing mid song and defend yourself and thus reducing any damage received by half. However, you must decide to do this before attack damage is rolled. Also, when this is done you must wait 1 full turn before singing again.


You have studied they way your throat vibrates as you sing, allowing you to release a song at a lower sound level with the same effects. This allows you stealthily apply the effect of your songs but only at half range.

Vocal Renewal[edit]

When you are waiting for song cool down, you can use this feat to sing again on your next turn. This can be done an equal amount times to your charisma modifier. This resets after a long rest.

Duel Composition[edit]

Your experience with Sub-harmonics has allowed you to sing two songs at once! However, your range is equal to the lowest song types range. The duration of the song is decided by rolling the more advanced songs duration roll. Ex. A combo of a novice and adept song, the range would be the novice song range. While the duration would be a 1d4 + 3. When the song ends, you must wait for 1 full turn before you can sing again. If you use an expert level song, you must wait 2 turns. If you use a Master level song, you must wait 3 turns.


You have studied to throw your voice further than your normal range, at least for a short time. Extend the range of a song by 10 feet radius. This can be done an equal amount times to your charisma modifier. This resets after a long rest.

Expert Song Meister[edit]

Your skill in the art of the Song Meister has improved exponentially! The range of all songs is now a 45 feet radius starting from the singer. Your are now also able learn Expert level songs and you learn 1 Expert Level song. When using an Expert level song, the duration of that song is 1d4 + 4 turns. Once the song is done, you must wait 2 turns before you can sing again.

Strained Voice[edit]

When you are in a song cool down, you can choose to sing again at the price of not being able to sing or cast spells with a verbal components for 3 turns. The feat Voice Renewal is unable to reverse this. This can be done a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier, maximum 3 times. This resets every 24 hours.

Musical Attunement[edit]

Because of your experience in arts of the song meister, your ears have become finely tuned for minute changes in sound. Starting at 14th level, if you are able to hear, you are aware of the location of any hidden or invisible creature within 10 feet of you.

Master Song Meister[edit]

Your a supreme master in the art of song! The range of all songs is now a 50 feet radius starting from the singer. Your are now also able learn Master level songs and learn 1 Master level song. When using a Master level song, the duration of that song is 1d4 + 5 turns. However, once the song ends, you must wait 3 turns before you can sing again.

One Man Choir[edit]

Your skill with sub-harmonics has enabled you to sing 3 songs at once with the range of your normal skills! However, the skill level of your songs control how long it lasts. Any song combo that includes a master song can be no longer than 1d4 + 1 long. Any combo that include an only expert songs or lower can be no longer than 1d4 + 2 long. Combos including Adept songs or lower can be no longer than 1d4 + 3 long. Songs including only Apprentice songs or lower can be no longer than 1d4 + 4. Finally, any combos that only have novice songs can last up to 1d4 + 5. In addition, when the combo song ends, you must wait 2 turns before singing again. However, if a combo uses a Master level song, you must wait 3 turns before singing again.

Genre Appropriation[edit]

It is not easy to create your own songs, luckily you dont have too! Song writers in the past have studied the spells of others and created hymnals dedicated to several classes of other spell casters. At this point you can select the hymnal of your choice from the list below, or if your feeling adventurous, roll a 1d6 and receive the hymnal that the fates have selected for you

d6 Hymnal from the Fates
1 Hymnal of the Divine
2 Hymnal of the Circle
3 Hymnal of the Hunter
4 Hymnal of the Ancestor
5 Hymnal of the Contract
6 Hymnal of the Alma Mater

Hymnal of the Divine[edit]

This is one of six hymnal used by Song Meisters. They contain songs that we created after previous Song Meisters studied the spells of other classes in order to created songs that mimic them. This particular Hymnal was created for those who lean toward the Divine. The following are the songs created for this brand of magic.

Novice Skill Songs

Inflict Wounds

For the duration of the song, at the beginning of your turn you can choose a creature within range and make a ranged spell attack against it. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 necrotic damage.

Shield of Faith

When you start singing, a shimmering field appears and surrounds a creature of your choice within range, granting it a +2 bonus to AC for the duration of the song.

Prayer of Healing

When you start singing, you may select up to six creatures of your choice within range. Each creature regains hit points equal to 1d10 + your spellcasting ability modifier. You can do this again at the start of every turn. This song has no effect on undead or constructs.

Spiritual Weapon

When you start singing, you create a floating, spectral weapon that can take any for within range that lasts for the duration of the song.

At the beginning of your turn, you can make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of the weapon. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the weapon up to 20 feet, and 10 feet outside of the songs range, and repeat the attack against a creature within 5 feet of it.

Apprentice Skill Songs

Beacon of Hope

When you start singing, the song bestows hope and vitality. Choose any number of creatures within range. For the duration of the song, each target has advantage on Wisdom saving throws and death saving throws, and regains the maximum number of hit points possible from any healing.

Spirit Guardians

When this song begins, you call forth spirits to protect you. They flit around you to a distance of 20 feet for the duration. If you are good or neutral, their spectral form appears angelic or fey (your choice). If you are evil, they appear fiendish.

At the beginning of the song, you can designate any number of creatures you can see to be unaffected by it. An affected creature’s speed is halved in the area, and when the creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d8 radiant damage (if you are good or neutral) or 3d8 necrotic damage (if you are evil). On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage.

Control Water

Until the song ends, you control any freestanding water inside an area you choose that is a cube up to 100 feet on a side. You can choose from any of the following effects when the song begins. As an action on your turn, you can repeat the same effect or choose a different one.


You cause the water level of all standing water in the area to rise by as much as 20 feet. If the area includes a shore, the flooding water spills over onto dry land. If you choose an area in a large body of water, you instead create a 20-foot tall wave that travels from one side of the area to the other and then crashes down. Any Huge or smaller vehicles in the wave’s path are carried with it to the other side. Any Huge or smaller vehicles struck by the wave have a 25 percent chance of capsizing. The water level remains elevated until the song ends or you choose a different effect. If this effect produced a wave, the wave repeats on the start of your next turn while the flood effect lasts.

Part Water

You cause water in the area to move apart and create a trench. The trench extends across the song's range, and the separated water forms a wall to either side. The trench remains until the song ends or you choose a different effect. The water then slowly fills in the trench over the course of the next round until the normal water level is restored.

Redirect Flow

You cause flowing water in the area to move in a direction you choose, even if the water has to flow over obstacles, up walls, or in other unlikely directions. The water in the area moves as you direct it, but once it moves beyond the song's range, it resumes its flow based on the terrain conditions. The water continues to move in the direction you chose until the song ends or you choose a different effect.


This effect requires a body of water at least 50 feet square and 25 feet deep. You cause a whirlpool to form in the center of the area. The whirlpool forms a vortex that is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 50 feet wide at the top, and 25 feet tall. Any creature or object in the water and within 25 feet of the vortex is pulled 10 feet toward it. A creature can swim away from the vortex by making a Strength (Athletics) check against your spell save DC. When a creature enters the vortex for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is caught in the vortex until the song ends. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage, and isn’t caught in the vortex. A creature caught in the vortex can use its action to try to swim away from the vortex as described above, but has disadvantage on the Strength (Athletics) check to do so.

The first time each turn that an object enters the vortex, the object takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage, this damage occurs each round it remains in the vortex.

Guardian of Faith

When you start singing, a Large spectral guardian appears and hovers for the duration of the song in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range. The guardian occupies that space and is indistinct except for a gleaming sword and shield emblazoned with the symbol of a Good deity. Any creature hostile to you that moves to a space within 15 feet of the guardian for the first time on a turn must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 2d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The guardian vanishes when it has dealt a total of 60 damage.

Adept Skill Songs

Insect Plague

When you start singing, you summon swarming, biting locusts that fill a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range. The sphere spreads around corners. The sphere remains for the duration, and its area is lightly obscured. The sphere’s area is difficult terrain. When the area appears, each creature in it must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 4d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature must also make this saving throw when it enters the effect’s area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.

Mass Cure Wounds

When you start singing, a wave of healing energy washes out from a point of your choice within range. For the duration of the song, choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each target regains hit points equal to 2d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. At the begining of each turn, a new wave of energy washes out and heals up to six creatures in the same radius. Each new wave heals -2 hp each time. This song has no effect on undead or constructs.

Blade Barrier

As you start singing, a vertical wall of whirling, razor-sharp blades made of magical energy is created. The wall appears within range and lasts for the duration. You can make a straight wall up to 100 feet long, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick, or a ringed wall up to 60 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick. The wall provides three-quarters cover to creatures behind it, and its space is difficult terrain. When a creature enters the wall’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 6d10 slashing damage. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage.

Otherworldly Form

As you start singing, you draw on the magic of the Lower Planes or Upper Planes (your choice) to transform yourself. You gain the following benefits until the song ends:

  • You are immune to fire and poison damage (Lower Planes) or radiant and necrotic damage (Upper Planes).
  • You are immune to the poisoned condition (Lower Planes) or the charmed condition (Upper Planes).
  • Spectral wings appear on your back, giving you a flying speed of 40 feet.
  • You have a +2 bonus to AC.
  • All your weapon attacks are magical, and when you make a weapon attack, you can use your spellcasting ability modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
  • You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turn. You ignore this benefit if you already have a feature, like Extra Attack, that gives you extra attacks

Expert Skill Songs

Fire Storm

When you start singing, a storm made up of sheets of roaring flame appears in a location you choose within range. The area of the storm consists of up to ten 10-foot cubes, which you can arrange as you wish. Each cube must have at least one face adjacent to the face of another cube. For every turn the song lasts, each creature in the area must make Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire damages objects in the area and ignites flammable objects that aren’t being worn or carried. If you choose, plant life in the area is unaffected by this effect.


When you start singing, you select a new creature every turn that is within range and stimulate its natural healing ability. The target regains 2d8 + 15 hit points. For the duration of the song, the target regains 1 hit point at the start of each of its turns (10 hit points each minute). The target’s severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any, are restored after 2 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump, the effect instantaneously causes the limb to knit to the stump.

Holy Aura

As you start to sing, diving light washes out from you and coalesces in a soft radiance in a 30-foot radius around you. Creatures of your choice in that radius when this effect begins shed dim light in a 5-foot radius and have advantage on all saving throws, and other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against them until the spell ends. In addition, when a fiend or an undead hits an affected creature with a melee attack, the aura flashes with brilliant light. The attacker must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the song ends.


When you start singing, brillant sunlight flashes in a 20-foot radius centered on a point you choose within range. For every turn the song is active, each creature in that light must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d10 radiant damage and is blinded for 1 minute (can only be blinded once during this song). On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded by this effect. Undead and oozes have disadvantage on this saving throw.

A creature blinded by this effect makes another Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, it is no longer blinded.

This song dispels any darkness in its area that was created by a spell.

Master Skill Songs

Mass Heal

As your song begins, a flood of healing energy flows from you into injured creatures around you. As long as this song lasts, you can restore up to 700 hit points, divided as you choose among any number of creatures that you can see within range. Creatures healed by this spell are also cured of all diseases and any effect making them blinded or deafened. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Power Word: Heal

When you start to sing, and at the beginning of every turn for the durating of the song, a wave of healing energy washes over a creature you choose that is in range. The target is granted one of the following effects:

  • The target regains all of hit points.
  • If the creature is charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or stunned, the condition ends.
  • If the creature is prone, it can use its reaction to stand up.

Each target can only receive each of the effects only once.

This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Hymnal of the Circle[edit]

This is one of six hymnal used by Song Meisters. They contain songs that we created after previous Song Meisters studied the spells of other classes in order to created songs that mimic them. This particular Hymnal was created for those who lean toward Druids. The following are the songs created for this magic.

Novice Skill Songs


When you start singing, grasping weeds and vines sprout from the ground in a 15-foot square starting from a point within range. For the duration of the song, these plants turn the ground in the area into difficult terrain.

A creature in the area of the effect must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling plants until the song ends. A creature restrained by the plants can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself. Any creature that succeeds can not be entangled again.

Ice Knife

For the duration of the song, you create a shard of ice at the beginning of your turn and fling it at one creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 piercing damage. Hit or miss, the shard then explodes. The target and each creature within 5 feet of the point where the ice exploded must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage.


When you start singing, choose a willing creature within range. Until the song ends, the target’s skin has a rough, bark-like appearance, and the target’s AC can’t be less than 16, regardless of what kind of armor it is wearing.

Spike Growth

The ground in a 15-foot radius centered on a point within range twists and sprouts hard spikes and thorns. The area becomes difficult terrain for the duration. When a creature moves into or within the area, it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

The transformation of the ground is camouflaged to look natural. Any creature that can’t see the area at the time the effect starts must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC to recognize the terrain as hazardous before entering it.

Apprentice Skill Songs

Aura of Vitality

Healing energy radiates from you in an aura with a 30-foot radius. Until the song ends, the aura moves with you, centered on you. You can use a bonus action to cause one creature in the aura (including you) to regain 2d6 hit points.

Wind Wall

A wall of strong wind rises from the ground at a point you choose within range. You can make the wall up to 50 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot thick. You can shape the wall in any way you choose so long as it makes one continuous path along the ground. The wall lasts for the duration. When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Strength saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

The strong wind keeps fog, smoke, and other gases at bay. Small or smaller flying creatures or objects can’t pass through the wall. Loose, lightweight materials brought into the wall fly upward. Arrows, bolts, and other ordinary projectiles launched at targets behind the wall are deflected upward and automatically miss. (Boulders hurled by giants or siege engines, and similar projectiles, are unaffected.) Creatures in gaseous form can’t pass through it.

Fire Shield

Thin and wispy flames wreathe your body for the duration, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can end the song early by using an action to dismiss it. This does not force you to take turn to cool down before singing again.

The flames provide you with a warm shield or a chill shield, as you choose. The warm shield grants you resistance to cold damage, and the chill shield grants you resistance to fire damage.

In addition, whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, the shield erupts with flame. The attacker takes 2d8 fire damage from a warm shield, or 2d8 cold damage from a cold shield.


When you start singing, the flesh of a willing creature range becomes as hard as stone. Until the spell ends, the target has resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Adept Skill Songs

Insect Plague

When you start singing, you summon swarming, biting locusts that fill a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range. The sphere spreads around corners. The sphere remains for the duration, and its area is lightly obscured. The sphere’s area is difficult terrain. When the area appears, each creature in it must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 4d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature must also make this saving throw when it enters the effect’s area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.

Mass Cure Wounds

When you start singing, a wave of healing energy washes out from a point of your choice within range. For the duration of the song, choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each target regains hit points equal to 2d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. At the begining of each turn, a new wave of energy washes out and heals up to six creatures in the same radius. Each new wave heals -2 hp each time. This song has no effect on undead or constructs.


For the duration of the song, at the beginning of a turn you choose a creature that is with range. A surge of positive energy washes through the creature, causing one of two effects that you choose:

  • The creature regains 70 hit points.
  • The Creature is cured blindness, deafness, and any diseases affecting the target.

This song has no effect on constructs or undead.

Wall of Thorns

When you start singing, a wall of tough, pliable, tangled brush bristling with needle-sharp thorns. The wall appears within range on a solid surface and lasts for the duration of the song. You choose to make the wall up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick or a circle that has a 20-foot diameter and is up to 20 feet high and 5 feet thick. The wall blocks line of sight.

When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 7d8 piercing damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.

A creature can move through the wall, albeit slowly and painfully. For every 1 foot a creature moves through the wall, it must spend 4 feet of movement. Furthermore, the first time a creature enters the wall on a turn or ends its turn there, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 7d8 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save.

Expert Skill Songs

Fire Storm

A storm made up of sheets of roaring flame appears in a location you choose within range. The area of the storm consists of up to ten 10-foot cubes, which you can arrange as you wish. Each cube must have at least one face adjacent to the face of another cube. For every turn the song lasts, each creature in the area must make Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire damages objects in the area and ignites flammable objects that aren’t being worn or carried. If you choose, plant life in the area is unaffected by this effect.


For the duration of the song, you select a new creature every turn that is within range and stimulate its natural healing ability. The target regains 2d8 + 15 hit points. For the duration of the song, the target regains 1 hit point at the start of each of its turns (10 hit points each minute).

The target’s severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any, are restored after 2 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump, the effect instantaneously causes the limb to knit to the stump.


When you start singing, brilliant sunlight flashes in a 20-foot radius centered on a point you choose within range. For every turn the song is active, each creature in that light must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d10 radiant damage and is blinded for 1 minute (can only be blinded once during this song). On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded by this effect. Undead and oozes have disadvantage on this saving throw.

A creature blinded by this effect makes another Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, it is no longer blinded.

This song dispels any darkness in its area that was created by a spell.

Incendiary Cloud

A swirling cloud of smoke shot through with white-hot embers appears in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point within range. The cloud spreads around corners and is heavily obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. When the cloud appears, each creature in it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 10d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature must also make this saving throw when it enters the effect’s area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.

The cloud moves 10 feet directly away from you in a direction that you choose at the start of each of your turns.

Master Skill Songs


You assume the form of a different creature for the duration. The new form can be any creature with a challenge rating equal to your level or lower. The creature can’t be a construct or an undead, and you must have seen the sort of creature at least once. You transform into an average example of that creature, one without any class levels or the Spellcasting trait.

Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the chosen creature, though you retain your alignment and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores You also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the creature, If the creature has the same proficiency as you, and the bonus listed in its statistics is higher than yours, use the creature’s bonus in place of yours. You can’t use any legendary actions or lair actions of the new form.

You assume the hit points and Hit Dice of the new form. When you revert to your normal, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. If you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn’t reduce your normal form to 0 hitpoints, you aren’t knocked unconscious.

You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them, provided that your new form is physically capable of doing so. You can’t use any special senses you have (for example, darkvision) unless your new form also has that sense. You can only speak if the creature can normally speak.

When you transform, you choose whether your equipment falls to the ground, merges into the new form, or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions as normal. The DM determines whether it is practical for the new form to wear a piece of equipment, based on the creature’s shape and size. Your equipment doesn’t change shape or size to match the new form, and any equipment that the new form can’t wear must either fall to the ground or merge into your new form. Equipment that merges has no effect in that state.

During this spell’s duration, you can use your action to assume a different form following the same restrictions and rules for the original form, with one exception: if your new form has more hit pints than your current one, your hit points remain at their current value.

Storm of Vengeance

A churning storm cloud forms, centered on a point you can see and spreading to a radius of 360 feet. Lightning flashes in the area, thunder booms, and strong winds roar. Each creature under the cloud (no more than 5,000 feet beneath the cloud) when it appears must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 thunder damage and becomes deafened for 5 minutes. For each round that the song persists, the storm produces additional effects on your turn.

Storm of Vengeance Effects After Round 1
Round 2
Acidic rain falls from the cloud. Each creature and object under the cloud takes 1d6 acid damage.
Round 3
You call six bolts of lightning from the cloud to strike six creatures or objects of your choice beneath the cloud. A given creature or object can’t be struck by more than one bolt. A struck creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 10d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Round 4
Hailstones rain down from the cloud. Each creature under the cloud takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
Round 5 - 10
Gusts and freezing rain assail the area under the cloud. The area becomes difficult terrain and is heavily obscured. Each creature there takes 1d6 cold damage. Ranged weapon attacks in the area are impossible. The wind and rain count as a severe distraction for the purposes of maintaining concentration on spells.
Finally, gusts of strong wind (ranging from 20 to 50 miles per hour) automatically disperse fog, mists, and similar phenomena in the area whether mundane or magical.

Hymnal of the Hunter[edit]

This is one of six hymnal used by Song Meisters. They contain songs that we created after previous Song Meisters studied the spells of other classes in order to created songs that mimic them. This particular Hymnal was created for those who lean toward Rangers. The following are the songs created for this magic.

Novice Skill Songs

Cure Wounds

For the duration of the song, you can select a creature you within range and it regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Each consecutive time you use the effect, apply a -1 to the result. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.


Grasping weeds and vines sprout from the ground in a 15-foot square starting from a point within range. For the duration, these plants turn the ground in the area into difficult terrain.

A creature in the area when you cast the spell must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling plants until the spell ends. A creature restrained by the plants can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.

Hail of Thorns

For the duration of the song, each time you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack , this song creates a rain of thorns that sprouts from your ranged weapon or ammunition. In addition to the normal effect of the attack, the target of the attack and each creature within 5 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 1d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Searing Smite

During the duration of the song, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon, your weapon flares with white-hot intensity, and the attack deals an extra 1d6 fire damage to the target and causes the target to ignite in flames.

When a creature that is affected by this song starts their turn, they must make a constitution save. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 fire damage. On a successful save, the spells ends. The creature, or another creature with 5 feet, can use an action to put out the flames. The flames can be put out by other affects, such as being submerged in water.

Apprentice Skill Songs


Your song bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range. Each target’s hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration. At the end of the song, only the hit point maximum returns to normal.


You choose a willing creature within range. Until the spell ends, the target’s skin has a rough, bark-like appearance, and the target’s AC can’t be less than 16, regardless of what kind of armor it is wearing.

Magic Weapon

You choose a nonmagical weapon with range. Until the spell ends, that weapon becomes a magic weapon with a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls.

Spike Growth

The ground in a 15-foot radius centered on a point within range twists and sprouts hard spikes and thorns. The area becomes difficult terrain for the duration. When a creature moves into or within the area, it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

The transformation of the ground is camouflaged to look natural. Any creature that can’t see the area at the time the spell is cast must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC to recognize the terrain as hazardous before entering it.

Adept Skill Songs

Conjure Barrage

During the duration of the song, you throw a copy of a nonmagical weapon or fire a copy of a piece of nonmagical ammunition into the air to create a cone of identical weapons that shoot forward and then disappear. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage type is the same as that of the weapon or ammunition used as a component. You can repeat this once every turn of the song, but each time the damage is reduced by -2 (ex. 2 time is 3d8 -2, 3rd 3d8 -4, etc.)

Flame Projectile

You touch a nonmagical weapon or piece of nonmagical ammunition. During the duration of this song, you can throw or fire a copy of the item touch for a ranged weapon attack, the target takes an extra 1d6 fire damage. The copy fades after it hits or misses.

Lightning Projectile

Each time you make a ranged weapon attack during the song's duration, you create a copy of the weapon’s ammunition, or the weapon itself if it’s a thrown weapon, that transforms into a bolt of lightning. Make the attack roll as normal. The target takes 2d8 lightning damage on a hit, or half as much damage on a miss, instead of the weapon’s normal damage.

Whether you hit or miss, each creature within 10 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. Each of these creatures takes 2d4 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The copy fades after it hits or misses.

Wind Wall

When you start singing, a wall of strong wind rises from the ground at a point you choose within range. You can make the wall up to 50 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot thick. You can shape the wall in any way you choose so long as it makes one continuous path along the ground. The wall lasts for the duration. When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Strength saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

The strong wind keeps fog, smoke, and other gases at bay. Small or smaller flying creatures or objects can’t pass through the wall. Loose, lightweight materials brought into the wall fly upward. Arrows, bolts, and other ordinary projectiles launched at targets behind the wall are deflected upward and automatically miss. (Boulders hurled by giants or siege engines, and similar projectiles, are unaffected.) Creatures in gaseous form can’t pass through it.

Expert Skill Songs

Grasping Vine

You conjure a vine that sprouts from the ground in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range. When start singing, you can direct the vine to lash out at a creature within 20 feet of it that you can see. That creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be pulled 20 feet directly toward the vine.

Until the spell ends, you can direct the vine to lash out at the same creature or another one as a bonus action on each of your turns.

Guardian of Nature

A nature spirit answers your call and transforms you into a powerful guardian. The transformation lasts until the song ends. For the duration of the song, you choose one of the following forms to assume: Primal Beast or Great Tree.

Primal Beast

Bestial fur covers your body, your facial features become feral, and you gain the following benefits:

  • Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
  • You gain darkvision with a range of 120 feet.
  • You make Strength-based attack rolls with advantage.
  • Your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 force damage on a hit.

Great Tree

Your skin appears barky, leaves sprout from your hair, and you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain 10 temporary hit points.
  • You make Constitution saving throws with advantage.
  • You make Dexterity and Wisdom-based attack rolls with advantage.
  • While you are on the ground, the ground within 15 feet of you is difficult terrain for your enemies.


This song turns the flesh of a willing creature within range as hard as stone. Until the song ends, the target has resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Summon Elemental

You call forth an elemental spirit. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. This corporeal form uses the Elemental Spirit stat block. When you start singing, choose an element: Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. The creature resembles a bipedal form wreathed in the chosen element, which determines certain traits in its stat block. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the song ends. You do not suffer from a song cool down if the creature's hit points drop to 0.

The creature is an ally to you and your companions. In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. The creature is telepathically connected to you and obeys your commands (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any, it takes the Dodge action and uses its move to avoid danger.

Elemental Spirit, Medium elemental
Armor Class: 13 + 4 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 40 + 15 for each song skill level above apprentice.
Speed: 30 ft.
18 (+4) - 10 (+0) - 18 (+4) - 14 (+2) - 11 (+0) - 5 (-3)
Damage Resistances: poison
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, petrified, poisoned
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages: understands the languages you speak
Challenge: —
Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus
Amorphous Form (Air, Fire, and Water Only). The elemental can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Multiattack. The elemental makes 2 extra attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + 4 + 2 bludgeoning damage (Air, Earth, and Water only) or fire damage (Fire only).

Master Skill Songs

Steel Wind Strike

You flourish a weapon when you start sing and then vanish to strike like the wind. Choose up to five creatures you can see within range. Make a melee spell attack against each target. On a hit, a target takes 6d10 force damage.

You can then teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of one of the targets you hit or missed.

You can repeat this once a turn for the duration of the song, but each time you must select one less creature and the damage goes down by one d10 to a minimum of 1 creature for 2d10 damage.

Wrath Of Nature

You call out to the spirits of nature to rouse them against your enemies. Choose a point you can see within range. The spirits cause trees, rocks, and grasses in a 60-foot cube centered on that point to become animated until the song ends.

Grasses and Undergrowth

Any area of ground in the cube that is covered by grass or undergrowth is difficult terrain for your enemies.


At the start of each of your turns, each of your enemies within 10 feet of any tree in the cube must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 slashing damage from whipping branches.

Roots and Vines

At the end of each of your turns, one creature of your choice that is on the ground in the cube must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become restrained until the song ends. A restrained creature can use an action to make a Strength (Athletics) check against your spell save DC, ending the effect on itself on a success.


As a bonus action on your turn, you can cause a loose rock in the cube to launch at a creature you can see in the cube. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 nonmagical bludgeoning damage, and it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or fall prone.

Hymnal of the Ancestor[edit]

This is one of six hymnal used by Song Meisters. They contain songs that we created after previous Song Meisters studied the spells of other classes in order to created songs that mimic them. This particular Hymnal was created for those who lean toward Sorcerers. The following are the songs created for this brand of magic.

Novice Skill Songs

Ice Knife

For the duration of the song, you create a shard of ice at the begining of your turn and fling it at one creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 piercing damage. Hit or miss, the shard then explodes. The target and each creature within 5 feet of the point where the ice exploded must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage.

Magic Missile

For the duration of the song, every turn you create up to three glowing darts of magical force that rotates around your head. As a bonus action, you can fire your darts at a creatures within range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

Scorching Ray

For the duration of the song, at the beginning of your turn you create three rays of fire that rotate around you. As a bonus action, hurl them at targets within range. You can hurl them at one target or several. Make a ranged spell attack for each ray. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 fire damage.

Shadow Blade

You weave together threads of shadow to create a sword of solidified gloom in your hand. This magic sword lasts until the song ends. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 2d8 psychic damage on a hit and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60). In addition, when you use the sword to attack a target that is in dim light or darkness, you make the attack roll with advantage.

If you drop the weapon or throw it, it dissipates at the end of the turn. Thereafter, while the song persists, you can use a bonus action to cause the sword to reappear in your hand.

Apprentice Skill Songs


You make a calming gesture, and up to three willing creatures of your choice that you can see within range fall unconscious for the spell’s duration. The spell ends on a target early if it takes damage or someone uses an action to shake or slap it awake. If a target remains unconscious for the full duration, that target gains the benefit of a short rest, and it can’t be affected by this spell again until it finishes a long rest.


Choose a willing creature that you can see within range, including yourself. Until the song ends, the target’s speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.

When the song ends, the target can’t move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it.

Fire Shield

Thin and wispy flames wreathe your body for the duration of the song, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can end the song early by using an action to dismiss it. Doing so does not cause a cool down.

The flames provide you with a warm shield or a chill shield, as you choose. The warm shield grants you resistance to cold damage, and the chill shield grants you resistance to fire damage.

In addition, whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, the shield erupts with flame. The attacker takes 2d8 fire damage from a warm shield, or 2d8 cold damage from a cold shield.


This spell turns the flesh of a willing creature you touch as hard as stone. Until the spell ends, the target has resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Adept Skill Songs


At the beginning of your song, a tendril of inky darkness reaches out from you, touching a creature you can see within range to drain life from it. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the target takes 2d8 necrotic damage. On a failed save, the target takes 4d8 necrotic damage, and until the song ends, you can use your action on each of your turns to automatically deal 4d8 necrotic damage to the target. The song ends if you use your action to do anything else, if the target is ever outside the song’s range, or if the target has total cover from you. Whenever the effect deals damage to a target, you regain hit points equal to half the amount of necrotic damage the target takes

Summon Draconic Spirit

You call forth a draconic spirit. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. This corporeal form uses the Draconic Spirit stat block. When you cast this spell, choose a family of dragon: Chromatic, Gem, or Metallic. The creature resembles a dragon of the chosen family, which determines certain traits in its stat block. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.

The creature is an ally to you and your companions. In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your mental commands (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any, it takes the Dodge action and uses its move to avoid danger.

Draconic Spirit , Large Dragon
Armor Class: 14 + 3
Hit Points: 50 + 30
Speed: 30 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 30 ft.
19 (+4) - 14 (+2) - 17 (+3) - 10 (+0) - 14 (+2) - 14 (+2)
Damage Resistances (Chromatic and Metallic only): acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison
Damage Resistances (Gem only): force, necrotic, psychic, radiant, thunder
Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened, poisoned
Senses: blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages: Draconic, understands the languages you speak
Challenge: —
Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus
Shared Resistances. When you summon the dragon, choose one of its damage resistances. You have resistance to the chosen damage type until the spell ends.
Multi-attack. The dragon uses its Breath Weapon, and it makes 3 Bite and Claw.
Bite and Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 4 + 3 damage.
Breath Weapon. The dragon exhales a stream of multicolored energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 damage of your choice of a damage type this dragon has resistance to on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Globe of Invulnerability

An immobile, faintly shimmering barrier springs into existence in a 10-foot radius around you and remains for the duration. Any spell of 5th level or lower cast from outside the barrier can’t affect creatures or objects within it, even if the spell is cast using a higher level spell slot. Such a spell can target creatures and objects within the barrier, but the spell has no effect on them. Similarly, the area within the barrier is excluded from the areas affected by such spells.

Otherworldly Form

As you start singing, you draw on the magic of the Lower Planes or Upper Planes (your choice) to transform yourself. You gain the following benefits until the song ends:

  • You are immune to fire and poison damage (Lower Planes) or radiant and necrotic damage (Upper Planes).
  • You are immune to the poisoned condition (Lower Planes) or the charmed condition (Upper Planes).
  • Spectral wings appear on your back, giving you a flying speed of 40 feet.
  • You have a +2 bonus to AC.
  • All your weapon attacks are magical, and when you make a weapon attack, you can use your spellcasting ability modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
  • You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turn. You ignore this benefit if you already have a feature, like Extra Attack, that gives you extra attacks

Expert Skill Songs

Crown Of Stars

Seven star-like motes of light appear and orbit your head until the spell ends. You can use a bonus action to send one of the motes streaking toward one creature or object within 60 feet of you. When you do so, make a ranged spell attack. On a hit. the target takes 4d12 radiant damage. Whether you hit or miss, the mote is expended. The spell ends early if you expend the last mote. If you have four or more motes remaining, they shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. If you have one to three motes remaining, they shed dim light in a 30—foot radius.

Crown of Negative Stars

Seven motes of negative energy appear and orbit your head until the spell ends. You can use a bonus action to send one of the motes streaking toward one creature or object within 60 feet of you. When you do so, make a ranged spell attack. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 7d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

A humanoid killed by this effect rises at the start of your next turn as a zombie that is permanently under your telepathic command, following your mental orders to the best of its ability.

Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting

When you being singing, you draw the moisture from every creature in a 20-foot cube centered on a point you choose within range. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw. Constructs and undead aren’t affected, and plants and water elementals make this saving throw with disadvantage. A creature takes 10d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can repeat this action every turn but each time reduces the damage by 1d8 (minimum 4d8).

Incendiary Cloud

A swirling cloud of smoke shot through with white-hot embers appears in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point within range. The cloud spreads around corners and is heavily obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. When the cloud appears, each creature in it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 10d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature must also make this saving throw when it enters the effect’s area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.

The cloud moves 10 feet directly away from you in a direction that you choose at the start of each of your turns.

Master Skill Songs

Blade of Disaster

You create a blade-shaped planar rift about 3 feet long in an unoccupied space you can see within range. The blade lasts for the duration. At the beginning of your turn, you can make up to two melee spell attacks with the blade, each one against a creature, loose object, or structure within 5 feet of the blade. On a hit, the target takes 4d12 force damage. This attack scores a critical hit if the number on the d20 is 18 or higher. On a critical hit, the blade deals an extra 8d12 force damage (for a total of 12d12 force damage). As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the blade up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see and then make up to two melee spell attacks with it again.

The blade can harmlessly pass through any barrier, including a Wall of Force.

Psychic Scream

For the duration of the song, you unleash the powerful blast mental energy at the beginning of every turn. Select up to ten creatures of your choice that you can see within range. Creatures that have an Intelligence score of 2 or lower are unaffected. Each target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 14d6 psychic damage and is stunned. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage and isn’t stunned. If a target is killed by this damage, its head explodes, assuming it has one. Each time you release the mental blast, it becomes 2d6 weaker with a minimum of 6d6 damage.

A stunned target can make an Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the stunning effect ends.

Hymnal of the Contract[edit]

This is one of six hymnal used by Song Meisters. They contain songs that we created after previous Song Meisters studied the spells of other classes in order to created songs that mimic them. This particular Hymnal was created for those who lean toward Warlocks. The following are the songs created for this brand of magic.

Novice Skill Songs

Arms of Hadar

For the duration of the song, you invoke the power of Hadar, the Dark Hunger. At the beginning of your turn, tendrils of dark energy erupt from you and batter all creatures within 10 feet of you. Each creature in that area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 2d6 necrotic damage and can’t take reactions until its next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage, but suffers no other effect.

Witch Bolt

A beam of crackling, blue energy lances out toward a creature within range, forming a sustained arc of lightning between you and the target. Make a ranged spell attack against that creature. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 lightning damage, and on each of your turns for the duration, you can use your action to deal 1d12 lightning damage to the target automatically. The song ends if you use your action to do anything else. The song also ends if the target is ever outside the song’s range or if it has total cover from you.

Flock of Familiars

For the duration of the song, you temporarily summon three familiars – spirits that take animal forms of your choice. Each familiar uses the same rules and options for a familiar conjured by the Find Familiar spell. All the familiars conjured by this song must be the same type of creature (celestials, fey, or fiends; your choice). If you already have a familiar conjured by the Find Familiar spell or similar means, then one fewer familiars are conjured by this song. Familiars summoned by this song can telepathically communicate with you and share their visual or auditory senses while they are within 1 mile of you. When you cast a spell with a range of touch, one of the familiars conjured by this song can deliver the spell, as normal. However, you can cast a touch spell through only one familiar per turn.

Ray of Enfeeblement

For the duration of the song, a black beam of enervating energy springs from you toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target deals only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength until the song ends. At the end of each of the target’s turns, it can make a Constitution saving throw against the effect. This can be repeated each turn as long as it is not affecting a creature. Also, you must target a different creature each time. If this is not possible, the song ends and you must wait one turn before singing again.

Apprentice Skill Songs

Hunger Of Hadar

You open a gateway to the dark between the stars, a region infested with unknown horrors. A 20-foot-radius sphere of blackness and bitter cold appears, centered on a point with range and lasting for the duration. This void is filled with a cacophony of soft whispers and slurping noises that can be heard up to 30 feet away. No light, magical or otherwise, can illuminate the area, and creatures fully within the area are blinded. The void creates a warp in the fabric of space, and the area is difficult terrain. Any creature that starts its turn in the area takes 2d6 cold damage. Any creature that ends its turn in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 acid damage as milky, otherwordly tentacles rub against it.

Vampiric Shadow

For the duration of the song, you can lash out with your shadow that can siphon damage from others to heal your wounds. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature within your reach. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 necrotic damage, and you regain hit points equal to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt. Until the song ends, you can make the attack again on each turn as an action.

Shadow Of Moil

Flame-like shadows wreathe your body until the song ends, causing you to become heavily obscured to others. The shadows turn dim light within 10 feet of you into darkness, and bright light in the same area to dim light. Until the song ends, you have resistance to radiant damage. In addition, whenever a creature within 10 feet of you hits you with an attack, the shadows lash out at that creature, dealing it 2d8 necrotic damage.

Sickening Radiance

When you start singing, a dim, greenish light spreads within a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range. The light spreads around corners, and it lasts until the song ends.

When a creature moves into the song’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 4d10 radiant damage, and it suffers one level of exhaustion and emits a dim, greenish light in a 5-foot radius. This light makes it impossible for the creature to benefit from being invisible. The light and any levels of exhaustion caused by this song go away when the song ends.

Adept Skill Songs


At the beginning of your song, a tendril of inky darkness reaches out from you, touching a creature you can see within range to drain life from it. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the target takes 2d8 necrotic damage. On a failed save, the target takes 4d8 necrotic damage, and until the song ends, you can use your action on each of your turns to automatically deal 4d8 necrotic damage to the target. The song ends if you use your action to do anything else, if the target is ever outside the song’s range, or if the target has total cover from you. Whenever the effect deals damage to a target, you regain hit points equal to half the amount of necrotic damage the target takes

Negative Energy Flood

For the duration of the song, every turn you can send ribbons of negative energy at one creature you can see within range. Unless the target is undead, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 5d12 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. However, each time you do this the damage goes down by 1d12, with a minimum of 2d12.

A target killed by this damage rises up as a zombie at the start of your next turn. The zombie pursues whatever creature it can see that is closest to it. Statistics for the zombie are in the Monster Manual.

If you target an undead with this effect, the target doesn’t make a saving throw. Instead, roll 5d12. The target gains half the total as temporary hit points.

Circle of Death

You create a sphere of negative energy at an unoccupied space within range. For the duration of the song, it sends out ripples at the start of your turn in a 20-foot-radius. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 8d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage for each turn is reduced by -2 damage. (Ex. 2nd turn is 8d6 -2, 3rd is 8d6 -4, etc.)

Otherworldly Form

As you start singing, you draw on the magic of the Lower Planes or Upper Planes (your choice) to transform yourself. You gain the following benefits until the song ends:

  • You are immune to fire and poison damage (Lower Planes) or radiant and necrotic damage (Upper Planes).
  • You are immune to the poisoned condition (Lower Planes) or the charmed condition (Upper Planes).
  • Spectral wings appear on your back, giving you a flying speed of 40 feet.
  • You have a +2 bonus to AC.
  • All your weapon attacks are magical, and when you make a weapon attack, you can use your spellcasting ability modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
  • You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turn. You ignore this benefit if you already have a feature, like Extra Attack, that gives you extra attacks

Expert Skill Songs

Crown of Negative Stars

Seven motes of negative energy appear and orbit your head until the song ends. You can use a bonus action to send one of the motes streaking toward one creature or object within 60 feet of you. When you do so, make a ranged spell attack. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 7d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

A humanoid killed by this effect rises at the start of your next turn as a zombie that is permanently under your telepathic command, following your mental orders to the best of its ability.

Fire Storm

A storm made up of sheets of roaring flame appears in a location you choose within range. The area of the storm consists of up to ten 10-foot cubes, which you can arrange as you wish. Each cube must have at least one face adjacent to the face of another cube. For every turn the song lasts, each creature in the area must make Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire damages objects in the area and ignites flammable objects that aren’t being worn or carried. If you choose, plant life in the area is unaffected by this effect.

Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting

When you being singing, you draw the moisture from every creature in a 20-foot cube centered on a point you choose within range. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw. Constructs and undead aren’t affected, and plants and water elementals make this saving throw with disadvantage. A creature takes 10d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can repeat this action every turn but each time reduces the damage by 1d8 (minimum 4d8).

Incendiary Maddening Darkness

When you start singing, magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 20—foot—radius sphere until the song ends. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness. Nonmagical light, as well as light created by spells of 8th level or lower, can't illuminate the area. Shrieks, gibbering, and mad laughter can be heard within the sphere. Whenever a creature starts its turn in the sphere, it must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking 8d8 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Master Skill Songs

Blade of Disaster

As you start singing, you create a blade-shaped planar rift about 3 feet long in an unoccupied space you can see within range. The blade lasts for the duration. At the beginning of your turn, you can make up to two melee spell attacks with the blade, each one against a creature, loose object, or structure within 5 feet of the blade. On a hit, the target takes 4d12 force damage. This attack scores a critical hit if the number on the d20 is 18 or higher. On a critical hit, the blade deals an extra 8d12 force damage (for a total of 12d12 force damage).

As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the blade up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see and then make up to two melee spell attacks with it again.

The blade can harmlessly pass through any barrier, including a Wall of Force.

Waking Nightmare

Drawing on the deepest fears of a group of creatures, you create illusory creatures in their minds, visible only to them. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened for the duration.

The illusion calls on the creature’s deepest fears, manifesting its worst nightmares as an implacable threat. At the end of each of the frightened creature’s turns, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 4d10 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

On a successful save, the effect ends for that creature.

Hymnal of the Alma Mater[edit]

This is one of six hymnal used by Song Meisters. They contain songs that we created after previous Song Meisters studied the spells of other classes in order to created songs that mimic them. This particular Hymnal was created for those who lean toward Wizards. The following are the songs created for this brand of magic.

Novice Skill Songs

Ice Knife

For the duration of the song, you create a shard of ice at the begining of your turn and fling it at one creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 piercing damage. Hit or miss, the shard then explodes. The target and each creature within 5 feet of the point where the ice exploded must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage.

Magic Missile

For the duration of the song, every turn you create up to three glowing darts of magical force that rotates around your head. As a bonus action, you can fire your darts at a creatures within range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

Melf's Acid Arrow

For the duration of the song, every turn you create and fire a shimmering green arrow that streaks toward a target within range and bursts in a spray of acid. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage immediately and 2d4 acid damage at the end of its next turn. On a miss, the arrow splashes the target with acid for half as much of the initial damage and no damage at the end of its next turn.

Shadow Blade

You weave together threads of shadow to create a sword of solidified gloom in your hand. This magic sword lasts until the song ends. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 2d8 psychic damage on a hit and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60). In addition, when you use the sword to attack a target that is in dim light or darkness, you make the attack roll with advantage. If you drop the weapon or throw it, it dissipates at the end of the turn. Thereafter, while the song persists, you can use a bonus action to cause the sword to reappear in your hand.

Apprentice Skill Songs


Choose a willing creature that you can see within range, including yourself. Until the song ends, the target’s speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. When the song ends, the target can’t move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it.

Melf's Minute Meteors

When you start singing, you create six tiny meteors in your space. They float in the air and orbit you for the song’s duration. a bonus action on each of your turns, you can expend one or two of the meteors, sending them streaking toward a point or points you choose within 60 feet of you. Once a meteor reaches its destination or impacts against a solid surface, the meteor explodes. Each creature within 5 feet of the point where the meteor explodes must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Control Water

Until the song ends, you control any freestanding water inside an area you choose that is a cube up to 100 feet on a side. You can choose from any of the following effects when the song begins. As an action on your turn, you can repeat the same effect or choose a different one.


You cause the water level of all standing water in the area to rise by as much as 20 feet. If the area includes a shore, the flooding water spills over onto dry land. If you choose an area in a large body of water, you instead create a 20-foot tall wave that travels from one side of the area to the other and then crashes down. Any Huge or smaller vehicles in the wave’s path are carried with it to the other side. Any Huge or smaller vehicles struck by the wave have a 25 percent chance of capsizing. The water level remains elevated until the song ends or you choose a different effect. If this effect produced a wave, the wave repeats on the start of your next turn while the flood effect lasts.

Part Water

You cause water in the area to move apart and create a trench. The trench extends across the song's range, and the separated water forms a wall to either side. The trench remains until the song ends or you choose a different effect. The water then slowly fills in the trench over the course of the next round until the normal water level is restored.

Redirect Flow

You cause flowing water in the area to move in a direction you choose, even if the water has to flow over obstacles, up walls, or in other unlikely directions. The water in the area moves as you direct it, but once it moves beyond the song's range, it resumes its flow based on the terrain conditions. The water continues to move in the direction you chose until the song ends or you choose a different effect.


This effect requires a body of water at least 50 feet square and 25 feet deep. You cause a whirlpool to form in the center of the area. The whirlpool forms a vortex that is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 50 feet wide at the top, and 25 feet tall. Any creature or object in the water and within 25 feet of the vortex is pulled 10 feet toward it. A creature can swim away from the vortex by making a Strength (Athletics) check against your spell save DC. When a creature enters the vortex for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is caught in the vortex until the song ends. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage, and isn’t caught in the vortex. A creature caught in the vortex can use its action to try to swim away from the vortex as described above, but has disadvantage on the Strength (Athletics) check to do so. The first time each turn that an object enters the vortex, the object takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage, this damage occurs each round it remains in the vortex.

Fire Shield

Thin and wispy flames wreathe your body for the duration of the song, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can end the song early by using an action to dismiss it. Doing so does not cause a cool down. The flames provide you with a warm shield or a chill shield, as you choose. The warm shield grants you resistance to cold damage, and the chill shield grants you resistance to fire damage. In addition, whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, the shield erupts with flame. The attacker takes 2d8 fire damage from a warm shield, or 2d8 cold damage from a cold shield.

Adept Skill Songs

Control Winds

You take control of the air in a 50-foot cube that you can see within range. Choose one of the following effects when you start singing. The effect lasts for the song’s duration, unless you use your action on a later turn to switch to a different effect. You can also use your action to temporarily halt the effect or to restart one you’ve halted.


A wind picks up within the cube, continually blowing in a horizontal direction that you choose. You choose the intensity of the wind: calm, moderate, or strong. If the wind is moderate or strong, ranged weapon attacks that pass through it or that are made against targets within the cube have disadvantage on their attack rolls. If the wind is strong, any creature moving against the wind must spend 1 extra foot of movement for each foot moved.


You cause a sustained blast of strong wind to blow downward from the top of the cube. Ranged weapon attacks that pass through the cube or that are made against targets within it have disadvantage on their attack rolls. A creature must make a Strength saving throw if it flies into the cube for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there flying. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone.


You cause a sustained updraft within the cube, rising upward from the cube’s bottom edge. Creatures that end a fall within the cube take only half damage from the fall. When a creature in the cube makes a vertical jump, the creature can jump up to 10 feet higher than normal.

Steel Wind Strike

You flourish a weapon when you start sing and then vanish to strike like the wind. Choose up to five creatures you can see within range. Make a melee spell attack against each target. On a hit, a target takes 6d10 force damage. You can then teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of one of the targets you hit or missed. You can repeat this once a turn for the duration of the song, but each time you must select one less creature and the damage goes down by one d10 to a minimum of 1 creature for 2d10 damage.

Circle of Death

You create a sphere of negative energy at an unoccupied space within range. For the duration of the song, it sends out ripples at the start of your turn in a 20-foot-radius. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 8d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage for each turn is reduced by -2 damage. (Ex. 2nd turn is 8d6 -2, 3rd is 8d6 -4, etc.)

Otherworldly Form

As you start singing, you draw on the magic of the Lower Planes or Upper Planes (your choice) to transform yourself. You gain the following benefits until the song ends:

  • You are immune to fire and poison damage (Lower Planes) or radiant and necrotic damage (Upper Planes).
  • You are immune to the poisoned condition (Lower Planes) or the charmed condition (Upper Planes).
  • Spectral wings appear on your back, giving you a flying speed of 40 feet.
  • You have a +2 bonus to AC.
  • You are immune to the poisoned condition (Lower Planes) or the charmed condition (Upper Planes).
  • All your weapon attacks are magical, and when you make a weapon attack, you can use your spellcasting ability modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
  • You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turn. You ignore this benefit if you already have a feature, like Extra Attack, that gives you extra attacks .

Expert Skill Songs

Mordenkainen's Sword

As you start singing, you create a sword-shaped plane of force that hovers within range. It lasts for the duration of the song. When the sword appears, you make a melee spell attack against a target of your choice within 5 feet of the sword. On a hit, the target takes 3d10 force damage. Until the song ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to move the sword up to 20 feet to a spot you can see and repeat this attack against the same target or a different one.

Prismatic Starburst

Eight multicolored star-like motes of light appear and orbit your head until the song ends. You can use a bonus action to send one of the motes streaking toward one creature or object within 60 feet of you. When you do so, the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. For each target, roll a d8 to determine which color ray affects it.

d8 Color Ray Effect
1 Red The target takes 10d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
2 Orange The target takes 10d6 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
3 Yellow The target takes 10d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
4 Green The target takes 10d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
5 Blue The target takes 10d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
6 Indigo On a failed save, the target is restrained. It must then make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves three times, the song stops effecting the target. If it fails its save three times, it permanently turns to stone and is subjected to the petrified condition. The successes and failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until the target collects three of a kind.
7 Violet On a failed save, the target is blinded. It must then make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of your next turn. A successful save ends the blindness. If it fails that save, the creature is transported to another plane of existence of the DM’s choosing and is no longer blinded. (Typically, a creature that is on a plane that isn’t its home plane is banished home, while other creatures are usually cast into the Astral or Ethereal planes.)
8 Special The target is struck by two rays. Roll twice more, rerolling any 8.

Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting

When you being singing, you draw the moisture from every creature in a 20-foot cube centered on a point you choose within range. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw. Constructs and undead aren’t affected, and plants and water elementals make this saving throw with disadvantage. A creature takes 10d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can repeat this action every turn but each time reduces the damage by 1d8 (minimum 4d8).


Brilliant sunlight flashes in a 20-foot radius centered on a point you choose within range. For every turn the song is active, each creature in that light must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d10 radiant damage and is blinded for 1 minute (can only be blinded once during this song). On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded by this effect. Undead and oozes have disadvantage on this saving throw. A creature blinded by this effect makes another Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, it is no longer blinded. This song dispels any darkness in its area that was created by a spell.

Master Skill Songs


You are immune to all damage until the song ends.

Waking Nightmare

Drawing on the deepest fears of a group of creatures, you create illusory creatures in their minds, visible only to them. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened for the duration. The illusion calls on the creature’s deepest fears, manifesting its worst nightmares as an implacable threat. At the end of each of the frightened creature’s turns, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 4d10 psychic damage. On a successful save, the effect ends for that creature, taking 4d10 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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