Slice of Life Mechanics Modified Helluva Boss

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Slice of Life Mechanics (for DnD 5e)[edit]

This campaign has two major mechanics to add "realisim" and "extra layers of simulation" to Hell, An in-game calendar and mundane life responsibilites/abilities

In Game Calendar mechanics[edit]

Each and every hour of the day is accounted for, and acts as a currency for players to spend on sleep, their job, and out of work activities. Each player has 24 hours to spend that they are given when a new day starts.


Despite what college or high school would have you believe, a minimum of about 7 to 8 hours of sleep is required to function healthily.

Getting the recommended amount of sleep Player character has completed long rest

Going for one day without recommended amount of sleep No adverse affects

Going for two days without recommended amount of sleep Player character gains level one exhaustion

Going for four days without recommended amount of sleep Player character gains level two exhaustion

Going for six days without recommended amount of sleep Player character gains level three exhaustion

How exhaustion works


Players are required to spend a minimum of 8 hours working at I.M.P. or you will be fired. Out of a cannon. On the other hand, players can spend additional time at I.M.P. to earn potential rewards.

Out of Work Activities[edit]

Players can choose a wide variety of activities with their left over 8 hours in the day to improve their abilities or explore the world.

Social Interaction