Sireine (3.5e Template)
Sireine Template[edit]
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By 자야사랑 |
Sireine are amphibious creatures that are both quick and charming.
“Sireine” is an inherited template that can be added to any corporal fey, giant, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, outsider, or humanoid aberration, hereafter referred to as the Base Creature.
A Siren creature uses all the base creature’s stats except as noted here. Do not recalculate the creature’s Hit Dice, BaB, saves, or skill points of its type.
Size and type:[edit]
The base creature’s type does not change unless it is lower on the pyramid (see page 142 of the Savage Species handbook) than the fey type, in which case it becomes Fey. (Note: the SS Pyramid might be later placed on here for easier access)
The base creature gains the aquatic subtype, unless it already has it.
The creature’s size is unchanged.
A Sireine creature gains a 60 ft swim speed
Armor Class:[edit]
The base creature gains a deflection bonus from it’s deflection Aura (Su) equal to its Charisma mod.
Special Attacks:[edit]
A Sireine Creature retains all of its special attacks for the base creature, and also gains the following special Attacks:
Charming Song (Sp)
At will, a Sireine can sing a song that functions as a Charm Person spell for every creature that hears it (Caster Level = ½ HD). The save DC is the creature’s charisma score. However, the time that the charm person spell works for is doubled (a Sireine with 1 HD has the effects on other people for 2 hours , a 2HD Sirine has it for 4, and so on.). If a person has succeeded in resisting any Sireine's song, he is immune to it for 24 hours. The Sireine has to make a Perform (Singing) Check against the targets' opposed will save to succeed.
Intelligence Damage (Su):
Any creature hit by a Sireine's touch attack must make a fortitude save (10 + ½ HD + Cha mod); if they fail this, they take 1d4+cha modifier intelligence damage (or 2d4 on a critical).
Soothing Touch (Su):
A Sireine, if it desires, can use its touch to restore 1d6 points of intelligence damage caused by any Fey or Sireine.
Hypnotism aura (Su):
A Sireine is considered beautiful; this spell-like-ability allows the Sireine to dominate people by singing a song again(3/day)
A Sireine can use this ability 1 / day to erase the memory of any any creature with a challenge rating the same or lower than the Sireine’s charisma modifier. Thereafter it will only listen to what the Sireine says, until killed or subject to a dispel or remove curse.
Hold Person(Su):
A Sireine can hold person as hold person psionic(1/day)
Special Qualities:[edit]
A Sireine retains all of the base creatures special Qualities, and gains the abilities described below.
Aquatic Subtype:
A Sireine is considered an aquatic creature, but can breathe air as well as water, as the Amphibious ability. Sireines do not have to make swim checks to move in water because of their swim speeds.
Amphibious (Ex):
Although Sireine are aquatic, they can survive indefinitely on land.
Deflection (Su):
A Sireine is surrounded by an aura that grants it a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma bonus.
Increase from the base creature as follows: Dex + 2, Int +1, Wis +1, and Cha +6.
Sireines receive a +8 Racial bonus to all perform, bluff, disguise checks. This racial bonus does not count as skill ranks for the purposes of gaining feats, but does count for the purposes of attaining class abilities.
Challenge Rating:[edit]
Same as the base creature +1
Level Adjustment:[edit]
Same as the base creature +1
Usually Chaotic (except evil).
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