Sigil of Insanity (3.5e Equipment)

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This 5" diameter black iron coin causes all those who look into the eyes of the skull adorning it to become wracked with insanity and mental pain. Once looked into, the Sigil can only be dropped by succeeding on a DC 25 Will Save. Until the Save is made, the unfortunate character loses 1d4 Wisdom per round (cumulative). EXAMPLE: 1st round-1d4 Wis, 2nd round-2d4 Wis, 3rd round-3d4 Wis, etc...If a character looses all of his/her Wisdom, it becomes Insane. The Character Sheet is handed over to the DM, and is no longer in the Players control. When this character is killed, it secretes a potent poisonous gas that permanently lingers around the body. This "Insanity Mist" causes anything that walks through it to make a DC 18 Will Save or suffer 1d4 Wisdom Damage per round until it either stays out of the Gas for 2 rounds to catch its breath, or succeeds in 2 successive Will Saves. If a characters Wis drops to 0, it is affected in the exact same way as by the Sigil.

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