Shroedinger's Catsuit (3.5e Equipment)

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Shroedinger's catsuit[edit]

Erwin Shroedinger was aproaching old age, he decided he needed to create an item that granted imortality to continue his work. Unfortunately the item attracted the attention of Nerull who refused to believe that a person could be both dead and not dead at the same time. Nerull removed the catsuit and hid it away, until Vecna stole the suit and gave it to a favored follower. It is rumored that Shroedinger made a second suit and is hidden away, unobserved and immortal.


The catsuit is a skin-tight full-body garment that is thin enough not to take an item slot, it's weight is also negligible. When donned the suit makes the wearer develop catlike features. Their ears pull up to the top of their head and become pointed, they grow a feline tail (which slips into a slit in the back of the garment), they grow a short muzzle with whiskers and a catlike nose, and their hands grow retractible claws. These features cannot be hidden although they go away when the suit is removed.

While wearing the suit, the character gains a number of benifits from the catlike features including superior lowlight vision, darkvision 60 ft, scent, +2 dexterity, an additional +2 to all dexterity based skill checks, +1 natural armor, +2 listen, and gain 2 natural claw attacks dealing 1d8 each with a crit range of 19-20/X2.

More importaintly while wearing the suit the character is considered both dead and not dead. The character character has a 25% chance of negating any damage dealt to them, a 10% chance if the damage does get through to instead heal that amount of damage (although any healing effect has a 10% chance of instead harming the character), and is considered to have heavy fortification.

Whenever a spell or effect that requires or divines knowledge of the wearer's state of life such as deathwatch or detect undead is used on the wearer, then the person using that effect feels a massive pain (takes 1d6 damage) and the spell/effect ends.

If the wearer also possesses Shroedinger's bag and places said bag on his/her head. They are considered to be outside of all probability and can instantly make 3 improbable events happen (essentially they cast Wish 3 times in one round) this consumes both the bag and the suit, and it causes the catsuit's feline form to permanantly be the character's new form. But all effects of being both dead and not dead are removed and any attempt to change the feline form (including Wish or Miracle) will fail.

DM notes: This was inspired by Shroedinger's bag, and continues it's legacy. I didn't make Shroedinger's bag, I don't claim to have creative control of the campaign. I'm just making an extension of it.

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