Shielded Flag (4e Power)

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Shielded Flag Color Bearer Attack 1
You charge forth with your shield to knock your foe down, and strike them upon the ground.
Encounter Star.gif Martial, Weapon, Implement
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped. Must be using a shield.
Target: One Creature
Attack: Constitution Vs. Fortitude
Hit: Deal damage equal to your constitution modifier, slide the target 1 square and knock it prone. Immediately shift one square to where the target just was. Deal 1d6 extra damage.
Effect: Gain an effect based on your standard. This effect only lasts until the end of your next turn.

Gold Standard: The next ally to attack the target gets a +4 to hit against it.

Red Standard: The next ally to attack the target rolls 1d8. If they roll a 7 or a 8, their attack is treated as a critical hit. If they roll a 1 or a 2, their attack fails to hit. Otherwise, their attack rolls as normal.

Blue Standard: The next ally to attack the target gets a +2 to all defenses, and a free shift.

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