Secret Art: Venomous Fang (3.5e Feat)

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Secret Art: Venomous Fang[edit]

Taking the Stance of the Venomous Fang, your blows become subtle nuances, striking not at the exterior of your opponents, but within; Striking vitals and weakening the enemy before even he knows of it.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 15, Stunning Fist

Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.

  • +0: Venomous Fang Stance:

Entering the Venomous Fang Stance is a swift action. While active, the stance ensures that no attack or damage rolls gain any benefit from either Strength or Dexterity modifiers, as opposed to normal attacks. Furthermore, the user gains a +2 bonus to all sense motive and bluff checks for combat purposes, as well as each successful attack applying +1 nonlethal damage. Finally, no enemy can withdraw from user's threatened squares without suffering an attack of opportunity from the user. No other Secret Art: Venomous Fang benefit can be used without being in the Venomous Fang Stance, nor can one character utilize two stances at one time. Disengaging the stance is considered a free action.

  • +1: Palm of Feints:

With a serpentine motion, the user gestures to confuse his opponent, before striking out at the chest with a flat palm. Utilizing the Palm of Feints requires the user to successfully perform a bluff check against the target's sense motive skill. If successful, roll attack and damage rolls as normal. On the target's next turn, he suffers damage equal to half the damage of the attack, and must make a fortitude save (DC equal 10 + user's HD + user's intelligence modifier) or become stunned for a single round. This attack exhausts a use of the stunning fist feat.

  • +6: Spinal Tap:

By distracting his opponent, the user can deliver a sharp strike to the back of the opponent's neck, causing him to become less mobile for a time. In order to perform the spinal tap, the user must successfully perform a bluff check against the target's sense motive skill. If successful, roll attack and damage rolls as normal. The target also suffers a 1d4 × 10 feet movement penalty, and can only move by land for 1d4 rounds. The target can attempt to perform a reflex save (DC equal 10 + user's HD + user's intelligence modifier) to avoid the penalty and movement restriction.

  • +11: Thrust of the Unwell:

By striking directly at the internal organs of his target, the user may attempt to cause internal duress and illness, hampering the target's ability to fight back. This attack provokes an attack of opportunity from the target. Upon attacking, the user adds his wisdom modifier to his attack and damage roll. If successful, the target suffers 1d6 strength, dexterity, and constitution damage for 1d6 rounds. The target can attempt to perform a fortitude save (DC equal 10 + user's HD + user's intelligence modifier) to suffer the effect of half the duration and magnitude.

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