Saurials (2.5e Race)
New Saurial Subraces[edit]
Sickleclaw & Featherclaw: +1DEX, +1INT, -1STR, -1CHA\ +1DEX, +1CHA, -1STR, -1WIS
Hit Dice: Sickleclaws & Featherclaws receive hit dice by class
Sickleclaw Saurials are so named due to the sickle shaped claws on their feet. They resemble large Velociraptors but are more upright in their stance. They are highly intelligent and very dexterous. Sickleclaws typically stand between 4-6ft tall and have tails about half as long as they are tall. Sickleclaws are patient and curious, they like to learn things but they also have monstrous appetites. Sickleclaws have no qualms about eating sentient creatures but they recognize that others do not share this view and tend to only do so when no other food source is readily available. Sickleclaws tend to have neutral alignments although PC's may be any alignment. There is a secondary species of Sickleclaw known as Featherclaws.
Featherclaws look akin to Sickleclaws however as the name suggests they are covered in brightly colored feathers. Their size is equivalent to a Sickleclaw but their arms are stronger and allow them to climb more easily which is perfect for their ability to glide. Due to being covered in feathers and their arms acting as pseudo wings they can glide from any height down to safety or from tree to tree. Featherclaws are cocky, arrogant and vain, they are envious of anyone who is able to fly, especially birds. Featherclaws believe themselves to be more superior than other saurials but consider Sickleclaws to be their equals and frequently form friendships with them. As with Sickleclaws, Featherclaws will prey upon anything smaller than themselves even if it is a sentient creature. Featherclaws have been known to underestimate their opponents but are not above retreat if the fight goes south, even if it means abandoning their comrades, for they are all about themselves for the most part.
Sickleclaw advantages: All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet. Sickleclaws, due to their strong leg muscles are able to leap 10ft upward or 30ft forward. If a Sickleclaw is required to do so, they may use their natural attacks; A Sickleclaw may perform a jump attack for 2d6 points of damage and has a chance of knocking down mansized or smaller targets. The target must make a successful dexterity check or be knocked down. If the target is large size or bigger the Sickleclaw may attempt to latch onto its target if it makes a successful strength check and dexterity check. A Sickleclaw may also bite for 1d4 points of damage and use its claws (1d4/1d4)as well. Sickleclaws have a movement rate of 15 and have a natural AC of 6.
Featherclaw Advantages: All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet. Featherclaws, due to their strong leg muscles may jump 10ft up or 30ft forward. Featherclaws can glide from any height so long as they can stretch out their arms, they have a glide speed of 12. Featherclaws can climbwalls like a thief at a base 70% plus 3% per level up to 97%. If a Featherclaw is required it can use its natural attack forms; they can perform a leap attack like a sickle claw(2d6 dmg) but if they do it from a position above their foe they gain a +2 attack bonus, they can also use their bite attack(1d4). Featherclaws have a movement rate of 15 and have a natural AC of 6.
Sickleclaw/Featherclaw Disadvantages: Saurials do not get percentile ratings for Strength regardless of class. Saurial wizards cannot use other races' spell books or scrolls, Saurials forced to use non-saurial weapons suffer a -1 attack penalty. Gas or scent-based attacks, such as poison gas and stinking cloud spells, have a greater effect on saurials. They receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against these attacks. If exposed to prolonged cold, saurials fall into a torpor called cold sleep. They can resist this for a number of turns equal to their size. Times can be doubled if they wear insulated clothing. Warmth revives them one to two hours. More than a day in the cold causes death.
Clubtail: +1STR, +1CON, -1 DEX, -1INT
Hit Dice: Clubtails receive 4 bonus hitpoints at 1st level.
Clubtails are so named because of the large bone club at the end of their tails. They are large and stocky like a hornhead and have a natural armor made of bony plates that encompass their body. They are tough but slow and weigh alot. Clubtails may not be the smartest or the fastest however they prefer to be gentle giants. They are a little slow of thought but mostly this is because they prefer to think things through and analyze situations from every angle before coming up with an answer. Clubtails are 9-10ft tall and weigh 800+ lbs
Clubtail Advantages: All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet. Clubtails have a natural armor class of 2 due to their bony plates which are especially thick on their back, because of this they are immune to the multiplier of a thiefs' backstab attack and only take normal damage from the attack. A clubtail can rely on its natural attacks if it is required to do so; they can swing their tail club into an opponent for 2d6 points of damage, they may also use their claws (1d3/1d3). Clubtails are the only saurial species to gain percentile strength bonuses.
Clubtail Disadvantages: Saurial wizards cannot use other races' spell books or scrolls, Saurials forced to use non-saurial weapons suffer a -1 attack penalty. Gas or scent-based attacks, such as poison gas and stinking cloud spells, have a greater effect on saurials. They receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against these attacks. If exposed to prolonged cold, saurials fall into a torpor called cold sleep. They can resist this for a number of turns equal to their size. Times can be doubled if they wear insulated clothing. Warmth revives them one to two hours. More than a day in the cold causes death. Clubtails have a Movement rate of 8. Clubtails take damage as Large creatures.
Longneck: +1WIS, +1CON, -2DEX
Hit Dice: Longnecks receive 2 bonus hitpoints at 1st level.
Longnecks are large, bulky saurials with necks that are as tall as their body. They are the biggest of the saurials reaching heights of 10-14ft tall. Their great height does present problems in many situations especially when entering buildings of human construction. Longneck Saurials are also quite bulky and have very long tails which are also as long as they are tall, a single Longneck can weigh over 1000lbs. Due to their great bulk they are slow but they are also great thinkers and are a hardy people. Rare individuals are born with armored plates similar to those found on Clubtails which give them a Natural Armor Class of 3 however this only occurs in 10% of individual Longnecks.
Longneck Advantages: Longnecks have a Natural Armor Class of 5. If needed a Longneck may use its ancient attack forms in battle; Longnecks can perform a tail whip for 1d10 points of damage, this also will knock a man-sized or smaller opponent down. Longnecks can also perform two claw attacks (1d2/1d2). All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet.
Longneck Disadvantages: Saurials do not get percentile ratings for Strength regardless of class. Saurial wizards cannot use other races' spell books or scrolls, Saurials forced to use non-saurial weapons suffer a -1 attack penalty. Gas or scent-based attacks, such as poison gas and stinking cloud spells, have a greater effect on saurials. They receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against these attacks. If exposed to prolonged cold, saurials fall into a torpor called cold sleep. They can resist this for a number of turns equal to their size. Times can be doubled if they wear insulated clothing. Warmth revives them one to two hours. More than a day in the cold causes death. Due to their great size and bulk they are slow and have a movement rate of 8. Longnecks take damage as Large creatures
Finback: +1STR, +1DEX, -1WIS, -1CHA
Hit Dice: Finbacks receive hit dice by class
Finbacks are large carnivorous saurials. They are so named because of the large Sail-like fin that stretches from the base of their neck along their spine to the base of their tail. Finbacks are strong and have good reflexes. They are also semi aquatic and have a great love for fish. Finbacks are impulsive and reckless but they are not dumb, They are serious and can be overzealous of their cause and they like to gloat. They do not underestimate opponents however.
Finback Advantages: Finbacks due to their fin are able to better regulate their body temperatures unlike most cold blooded creatures. Because of this they gain a +1 bonus to saves against cold based attacks and they can resist torpor for double the amount of time normal. The fin of the Finbacks also provides them with a +1 bonus for swimming checks whenever one is needed as it acts as a rudder. Finbacks also automatically gain the swimming proficiency. If required to do so Finbacks may rely on their ancient attack forms; Finbacks can Bite for 1d6 points of damage and use their claws (1d4/1d4). Finbacks have a movement rate of 12. All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet.
Finback Disadvantages: Saurials do not get percentile ratings for Strength regardless of class. Saurial wizards cannot use other races' spell books or scrolls, Saurials forced to use non-saurial weapons suffer a -1 attack penalty. Gas or scent-based attacks, such as poison gas and stinking cloud spells, have a greater effect on saurials. They receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against these attacks. If exposed to prolonged cold, saurials fall into a torpor called cold sleep. They can resist this for a number of turns equal to their size. Times can be doubled if they wear insulated clothing. Warmth revives them one to two hours. More than a day in the cold causes death.
Bonehead: +2CON, -2 INT
Hit Dice: Boneheads receive hit dice by class
Boneheads are human sized saurials that have a bone dome on their heads. This dome of bone is very hard and very thick and acts like a helmet, protecting their head from impacts which are many considering they like to literally butt heads, hence the name Bonehead (so named either because of their bony skull or because they like hitting their heads so much). Boneheads are quite friendly and very stubborn (to the point of headbutting) and not very patient. Boneheads are very hardy but not very smart. They will often rush off in pursuit of something only to realize that they forgot something important. It is also nearly impossible to tell a Bonehead “no”, to try and tell a Bonehead not to do something is like telling a rock to move aside (if it does you might be in trouble). Boneheads are rash and make snap decisions and go with them regardless of the consequences, their philosophy is if something is in the way and won't move, hit it with your head, and if it still won't move keep hitting it until it does.
Bonehead Advantages: Boneheads have head protection as if a helmet were worn due to the dome on their head. Boneheads like using their head as a weapon and can do a headbutt for 2d4 points of damage, if the bonehead is charging at a foe for a headbutt then the damage is doubled. A bonehead may also use its claws(1d3/1d3) for an attack. All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet. They have a movement rate of 12.
Bonehead Disadvantages: Saurials do not get percentile ratings for Strength regardless of class. Saurial wizards cannot use other races' spell books or scrolls, Saurials forced to use non-saurial weapons suffer a -1 attack penalty. Gas or scent-based attacks, such as poison gas and stinking cloud spells, have a greater effect on saurials. They receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against these attacks. If exposed to prolonged cold, saurials fall into a torpor called cold sleep. They can resist this for a number of turns equal to their size. Times can be doubled if they wear insulated clothing. Warmth revives them one to two hours. More than a day in the cold causes death.
Daggertooth: +2STR, -2CHA
Hit Dice: Daggertooths receive 2 bonus hit points at 1st level.
Daggertooth Saurials are as big as Hornheads and have scary looking teeth. Their jaws are full of knife sized teeth and they have a toothy grin. Daggertooth saurials are perhaps the most frightening of the species. Standing at 10ft tall and weighing in excess of 400lbs, these creatures could make an ogre cautious. They are keen on eating anything smaller than themselves and will eat sentient races without a second thought. They do know however that eating sentient beings is looked down upon in civilized lands and generally won't do it in public unless they are hungry enough. Daggertooths are very strong and very arrogant. They however are very loyal to their friends and make good allies but one would do well to not receive their scorn for they have good memories and hold grudges for a long time. They have a strong dislike of Ogres and their kin and have been known to eat them, some say it is the smell of an Ogre that Daggertooths dislike.
Daggertooth Advantages: All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet. If a Daggertooth is required to do so it may use its ancient attack forms; Daggertooths can bite their foes with their massive jaws for 2d6 points of damage and have a chance of swallowing small sized foes if they fail a strength check. Swallowing will kill the small sized creature instantly. Daggertooths have a Movement rate of 12.
Daggertooth Disadvantages: Saurials do not get percentile ratings for Strength regardless of class. Saurial wizards cannot use other races' spell books or scrolls, Saurials forced to use non-saurial weapons suffer a -1 attack penalty. Gas or scent-based attacks, such as poison gas and stinking cloud spells, have a greater effect on saurials. They receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against these attacks. If exposed to prolonged cold, saurials fall into a torpor called cold sleep. They can resist this for a number of turns equal to their size. Times can be doubled if they wear insulated clothing. Warmth revives them one to two hours. More than a day in the cold causes death. If a Daggertooth encounters an ogre or ogre-kin in combat, they will go after them first, disregarding all other targets in order of preference; (1) Ogre, (2) Half-Ogre, (3) Ogre Magi, (4) all other Ogre kin. Daggertooths can smell an Ogre from up to 100 yards away and will rush towards its source blindly and even disengaging combat, the scent of an ogre drives them nuts, it attracts them and appalls them at the same time.
Poisonfrill: no bonus or penalty
Hit Dice: Poisonfrills receive hit dice based on class.
Poison frills are about 4-6ft tall and are similar in shape to a sickleclaw but do not have their same capabilities. Poisonfrills are so named because they can puff out flaps of folded skin around their necks and shake them violently causing an intimidating display however the poison part of their name comes from their poisonous bite which can be quite debilitating. Poisonfrills are carnivorous but do not typically eat sentient beings. Poisonfrills have similar personalities to humans but tend to be a little egocentric and tend to exaggerate.
Poisonfrill Advantages: A Poisonfrill can unfurl its frill and shake it violently while hissing in order to frighten away creatures with a low morale. They may also gain a 2 in 6 (1 and 2 on a d6) chance to surprise enemies by doing this as the act catches them off guard, Posionfrills may also use their ancient attack forms; A poison frill can deliver a venomous bite which does 1d4 points of damage and upon failing a save vs poison the foe has a -2 penalty to attack and damage for 1 turn, the effects are not cumulative with multiple bites however should a Poisonfrill deliver 3 doses of venom the opponent must make a save vs poison with a -3 penalty or become slowed as per the spell for 2d4 rounds, Poisonfrill saurials may also make 2 claw attacks(1d3/1d3). All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet.
Poisonfrill Disadvantages: Saurials do not get percentile ratings for Strength regardless of class. Saurial wizards cannot use other races' spell books or scrolls, Saurials forced to use non-saurial weapons suffer a -1 attack penalty. Gas or scent-based attacks, such as poison gas and stinking cloud spells, have a greater effect on saurials. They receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against these attacks. If exposed to prolonged cold, saurials fall into a torpor called cold sleep. They can resist this for a number of turns equal to their size. Times can be doubled if they wear insulated clothing. Warmth revives them one to two hours. More than a day in the cold causes death.
Aquatic Saurials[edit]
Aquatic Longneck: +1WIS, +1DEX, -1STR, -1CON
Hit Dice: Aquatic Longnecks receive 2 bonus hitpoints at 1st level.
Aquatic Longnecks are similar to true Longnecks except this variety spends the majority of its time in or around sources of water. They are also slimmer of build and not quite as tall. Aquatic Longnecks have short stocky bodies and necks that are twice the length of their body. Their tails are also the same length as their body. Their hands and feet are webbed and so are their tails. Aquatic Longneck saurials stand about 10 1/2 to 12 feet tall and are a little clumsy on land, however they are excellent and agile swimmers. Aquatic Longnecks are also carnivorous unlike their herbivorous brethren however they prefer seafood diets. Aquatic longnecks have a great sense of adventure and love exploring underwater ruins and caves.
Aquatic Saurial Advantages: All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet. Aquatic Longnecks can breathe both air and water. They can swim fast at a rate of 18 in the water. They have no movement or attack penalties underwater. If required Aquatic Saurials may use their ancient attack forms; An aquatic Longneck may bite for 1d4 points of damage and can use its claws (1d4/1d4). Aquatic Longnecks may use the weapons of other Aquatic races with no penalty.
Aquatic Longneck Disadvantages: Saurials do not get percentile ratings for Strength regardless of class. Saurial wizards cannot use other races' spell books or scrolls, Saurials forced to use non-saurial weapons suffer a -1 attack penalty. Gas or scent-based attacks, such as poison gas and stinking cloud spells, have a greater effect on saurials. They receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against these attacks. If exposed to prolonged cold, saurials fall into a torpor called cold sleep. They can resist this for a number of turns equal to their size. Times can be doubled if they wear insulated clothing. Warmth revives them one to two hours. More than a day in the cold causes death. Aquatic Longnecks are very clumsy on land and have a movement rate of 6. Aquatic Longnecks must wet their entire bodies at least once each day. If adequate water is not found (at least 2 wineskins full) then they begin to lose constitution at the rate of 3/day, if their constitution gets lowered to zero as a result then they die from dehydration.
Aquatic Daggertooth: +1STR, +1INT, -2CHA
Hit Dice: Aquatic Daggertooths receive hit dice by class.
Aquatic Daggertooths look similar to a true Daggertooth however the aquatic variety spend most of their time in or around water. They have heads similar to that of a crocodile and streamlined bodies that make them speedy in the water. They are 10ft tall and have webbed hands and feet and a long eel-like tail which enables them to swim faster. Aquatic Daggertooths appear to have similar personalities to their land dwelling cousins but share none of their dislikes for ogres, although they do have a fondness for Aquatic elf flesh.
Aquatic Daggertooth Advantages: All saurials receive a +2 saving throw bonus against sound-based attacks (such as a harpy charm or a shout spell). All Saurials have infravision to 60 feet. Aquatic Daggertooths can wield any weapons from an aquatic race without penalty. They also have a movement rate of 24 in the water. Aquatic Daggertooths can breathe both water and air. An Aquatic Daggertooth may use its ancient attack forms; They can bite for 2d6 points of damage and have a chance of swallowing small sized foes. Should a small sized foe fail a strength check they will be swallowed by the Aquatic Daggertooth and instantly slain.
Aquatic Daggertooth Disadvantages: Saurials do not get percentile ratings for Strength regardless of class. Saurial wizards cannot use other races' spell books or scrolls, Saurials forced to use non-saurial weapons suffer a -1 attack penalty. Gas or scent-based attacks, such as poison gas and stinking cloud spells, have a greater effect on saurials. They receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against these attacks. If exposed to prolonged cold, saurials fall into a torpor called cold sleep. They can resist this for a number of turns equal to their size. Times can be doubled if they wear insulated clothing. Warmth revives them one to two hours. More than a day in the cold causes death. Aquatic Daggertooths are clumsy on land and have a movement rate of 6. Aquatic Daggertooths must wet their entire bodies at least once each day. If adequate water is not found (at least 2 wineskins full) then they begin to lose constitution at the rate of 3/day, if their constitution gets lowered to zero as a result then they die from dehydration.
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