Salve-Maker (5e Class)
The guards all raised their mugs and shared a laugh, it had been a long and hot day in the middle of summer, and it was finally nearing the end of their shift. The guardhouse had no windows and was fuming even in the fading evening light. Their lips were parched, and they practically ripped the flasks of ale from the hands of the halfling servant girl when she had entered bringing them complimentary potion from the tavern just across the way. As they threw back their heads and their burgers, the sweet mead fell into their mouths the three guardsmen began to sputter. The meat had slid to the back of their throat and refused to move. The three coughed and spat, trying to unobstruct their windpipes. They grabbed at their throats as they fell to the ground and leaned against the wall as their vision grew dim and their heads spun. The sick gargling sounds faded as the cloaked halfling strolled through the door. Chuckling lightly at the sight of a hand reaching out to her, as if begging for relief, the halfling walked past the guards and to the back of the guardhouse where the chest lay, now unguarded, full of confiscated weapons and gold.
Creating a Salve-Maker[edit]
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Salve-Makers are concocters of advanced potions, practical healers, and lifelong innovators. Where did you learn what you know about the sciences? What is your opinion on the healers and doctors that are aided by magic or use magic alone? Would you consider yourself to be more of a cold scientist or an attentive doctor? Do you experiment for the sake of discovery or for the sake of your pocketbook?
- Quick Build
You can make a salve-maker quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. Second, choose the Sage background.
Class Features[edit]
Class Features
As a Salve-Maker you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Salve-Maker level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Salve-Maker level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple weapons, blowguns
Tools: Alchemist’s supplies, herbalism kit, poisoner’s kit
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- A bonesaw and leather armor
- (a) A blowgun and 20 blowgun needles or (b) A simple ranged weapon and 20 appropriate ammunition
- (a) A scholar's pack and alchemist’s supplies or (b) A dungeoneer's pack and a herbalism kit
- (a) A healer’s kit and two poison vials or (b) A poisoner’s kit and two healing potions
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Man of Medicine |
1st | +2 | Man of Medicine, Corner Pharmacy | 1d4 |
2nd | +2 | First Aid, Experimental potions | 1d4 |
3rd | +2 | Salve-Maker Specialty, Stroke of Genius | 1d4 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d4 |
5th | +3 | Turn Toxic | 2d4 |
6th | +3 | Specialty Feature | 3d4 |
7th | +3 | First Aid Upgrade | 3d4 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 3d4 |
9th | +4 | Do No Harm, Stroke of Genius Enhancement | 4d4 |
10th | +4 | Specialty Feature | 4d4 |
11th | +4 | First Aid Upgrade | 5d4 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 5d4 |
13th | +5 | Stroke of Genius Enhancement | 5d4 |
14th | +5 | Übermensch | 6d4 |
15th | +5 | First Aid Upgrade | 6d4 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 7d4 |
17th | +6 | Specialty Feature, Stroke of Genius Enhancement | 7d4 |
18th | +6 | Do No Harm Improvement, First Aid Upgrade | 7d4 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 8d4 |
20th | +6 | — | 8d4 |
Man of Medicine[edit]
As a practitioner of practical science, you have learned several tricks to make your healing abilities more effective, efficient, and effortless:
- You may use a potion or vial as a bonus action as opposed to an action.
- During your turn, you may use items capable of restoring hit points or curing status conditions on yourself or on non-hostile creatures that are within 5 feet as an action.
- As an action, you can spend one of ten uses of a healer’s kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier hit points to it. The creature can’t regain hit points from this feature more than two times until it finishes a short or long rest.
- The amount of hit points restored by a healer's kit changes in dice when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Salve-Maker table.
- If you take the Healer feat, the amount of hit points restored by your healer's kit increases by half of your Salve-Maker level. You may now use a healer's kit on a creature up to three times, rather than two.
Corner Pharmacy[edit]
Whenever you spend your downtime to craft an object/material using alchemist’s supplies, an herbalism kit, or a poisoner’s kit, you can make an additional 10gp times your Salve-Maker level worth of progress per day, and you can always find the supplies you need for the job while you have access to either basic civilization or a plethora of natural resources. The gold worth of the materials required remains the same.
First Aid[edit]
Starting at 2nd level, when you use a potion of healing on a creature as an action, the amount of hit points they regain is increased by half of your Salve-Maker level (rounded down) and half their number of hit dice (rounded down). In addition, you learn 2 First Aid features from the list below. You gain an additional First Aid feature at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels. You may not choose the same First Aid feature twice, even if you are allowed to choose again at a later point.
- Efficiency
When you use a potion or vial as a bonus action only one half-charge is consumed. potions and vials that only have one half-charge can only be used as bonus actions.
- Experimental Treatment
When you use a feature or item that allows a creature to regain hit points, you may roll a d100. If you roll a value below your Intelligence modefier + your Salve-Maker level + your Medicine skill modifier, the creature regains all lost hit points, is cured of any diseases, and is cured of all the following status conditions: Poisoned, Paralyzed, Blinded, Deafened, Charmed, and Stunned. The creature also gains temporary hit points equal to their character level. If you roll above your Intelligence modefier + your Salve-Maker level + your Medicine skill modifier, the creature regains no hit points. This feature cannot be used again until you finish a long rest.
- Immunity
When you use a feature or item that allows a creature to regain hit points, and/or you stabilize a creature, you may choose either acid or poison damage. The creature has resistance to the selected damage type, but vulnerability to the other. This effect lasts until the end of their next turn.
- Inoculate
When you use a feature or item that allows a creature to regain hit points, you may select one status condition from this list: Deafened, Blinded, Poisoned, Charmed, Paralyzed, and Stunned. The creature has advantage on all saving throws to resist and/or break the effects of that status condition. This effect wears off when condition is cured or they take a short/long rest. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You can't use this feature on the same person. You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- On Deck
When you are within 5 feet of a friendly creature that drops to 0 hit points, you may use your reaction to either use a potion of healing on them or to try and stabilize them.
- Over-prepared
Once you finish a long rest, the first time you perform an action that allows another creature to regain hit points, that creature regains an additional 2d4 hit points.
- Preemptive Action
When you use a feature or item that allows a creature to regain hit points, those hit points that are in excess of the creature's maximum hit points become temporary hit points. This feature cannot be used again on the same creature until you finish a long rest.
- Regeneration
When you restore a creature's hit points, you may select to instead have the hit points restored to them as regeneration. They do not immediately regain hit points from your action and instead at the beginning of each of their turns, they regain 1 hit point. This effect persists for a number of rounds equal to the amount of hit points the creature would have regained. This feature cannot be used again on the same creature until you finish a long rest.
- Second Opinion
Whenever you perform a Medicine check on a creature, an ally that has proficiency in the skill can use their action to Help you. In addition to the bonus that Help applies, they grant you a bonus modifier equal to their own Medicine skill modifier on the check. If you use a feature or item that allows a creature to regain hit points a conscious creature that is proficient in Medicine you can add the creature's Medicine skill modifier to the amount they are healed.
Potion Crafting[edit]
Starting at 2nd level you can spend an hour of time and 25 gp worth of supplies to experiment in potion crafting. If you pass a DC 10 Intelligence (Medicine) check, roll a d20. Based on the result of the d20 you create one of the following potions. If you passed the check with a 15 or higher, you correctly identify the potion after you have made it, this DC decreases to 10 for any potion you've made and used at least twice before or any potions you've correctly identified at least once. You may also choose what potion you make if you've made some before, but limited those already correctly identified. All the potions you create are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities. All potions weigh 1/2 lb, are valued at a base price of 50 gp, and hold their effectiveness indefinitely unless otherwise noted. You can store 3 potions on your immediate person at any one time, allowing you to access one of these as your object interaction.
Potion Attacks[edit]
When wielding a potion, you may make a melee attack against a creature within 5 feet of you. If you do so, add your potion attack modifier to the attack instead of your Strength modifier. If the attack hits, the potion breaks on the target dealing 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier piercing damage and affecting them as if they had drunk the potion or as if it had been spilled centered on them (your choice as appropriate). You may also make ranged attacks with potions as if they were improvised thrown weapons with a range of 20/60, you do not add your potion attack modifier to attack rolls made in this way. Thrown potions that miss their target hit the ground and shatter a number of feet away from the target equal to half of your attack roll.
Potion Crafting Ability[edit]
You use your Intelligence whenever a potion refers to your potion crafting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a potion you created and when making an attack roll with one. If this DC changes after you've made a potion, the potion retains its original DC.
potion save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
potion attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Roll | Creation | Function |
1 | potion of Soup | A vial of soup that looks identical to a potion of healing. The soup tastes delicious and serves a number of people equal to your potion crafting ability modifier for one meal (minimum of 1). |
2 | potion of Swarming Vermin | A bright orange, continually bubbling substance. If spilled, the liquid gives off a sickly sweet scent that attracts rats, insects, and other vermin from up to 3,000 feet away. This lasts for a number of hours equal to your potion crafting ability modifier (minimum of 1). |
3 | potion of Harming | An odorless, deep red concoction that has the thickness of water. The drinker takes 2d6 acid damage immediately. |
4 | Coughing potion | A brown slop the consistency of pudding, that reeks of sweat. The drinker takes a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the drinker begins coughing uncontrollably. The effect persists for 1 minute and while it lasts the drinker cannot talk, perform the verbal components for spells, and has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. The drinker may take the saving throw again at the end of each of their turns, but after three failed saves they fall to the ground prone, cannot take the save again, and the duration is extended by a number of minutes equal to your potion crafting ability modifier (minimum of 1). |
5 | potion of Levitation | A sweet smelling green liquid that floats in the vial it is in. The drinker or whatever this is spilled on gains the effects of levitate as if it was cast on them at the 2nd level. |
6 | potion of Invisibility | A dark blue syrup that has several small particulates floating throughout. The drinker or whatever this is spilled on gains the effects of invisibility as if it was cast on them at the 2nd level. |
7 | potion of Dishwater | A murky gray water filled with dark bubbles and a thick layer of mush at the bottom of the vial. Smells of moldy food and tastes like soap. The drinker takes a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the drinker spends their turn puking meaning they cannot talk or perform the verbal components of spells, their movement is halved, they cannot attack, and they have disadvantage on all ability checks until the end of their next turn. |
8 | Exploding potion | A constantly fizzing potion that is a bright neon yellow color. If this is spilled, every creature in a 25-foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. Targets take 3d6 fire damage and 1d10 thunder damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one. |
9 | potion of Fire Breath | A dark orange liquid with a spicy flavor and that smells of a sharp cheddar cheese. The drinker may use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of them. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after the drinker has exhaled the fire a number of times equal to your potion crafting ability modifier (minimum of once) or after 1 hour has passed. |
10 | potion of Sex Reversal | A liquid with the consistency of cooking oil that shifts colors between red, purple, blue, and back again. Tastes like strawberries. The drinker's sex is reversed. This can only be changed again by another magical effect, a greater restoration spell, or another potion of the same type. |
11 | Darkvision potion | A pitch black sludge that glows a bright neon green when in the dark. Has a bitter flavor and a strong aftertaste that lasts as long as the potion's effect. Gives off 15 feet of light in a radius around it at night or when in complete darkness. The drinker gains the effects darkvision as if it was cast on them at the 2nd level. |
12 | potion of Bleating | A pure white liquid with the consistency of paint that appears to have several short white hairs floating in it. Tastes of sugar. The drinker takes a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save the drinker is transformed into a sheep for 1 minute. On a successful save the drinker cannot talk or perform the verbal component for spells as they can only bleat like a sheep for 1 minute. |
13 | Greasing potion | A fruity smelling, thin liquid that instantly thickens to a slop that smells of cooked meat on contact with moving air. If this is spilled, it is treated as if grease was cast on the location at the 1st level. |
14 | potion of Heat | A deep red, slush that is warm to the touch. If this is spilled on metal, it is treated as if heat metal was cast on the location at the 2nd level. |
15 | potion of Disguise | A liquid with the consistency of buttermilk that tastes like cinnamon but smells like peppermint. The drinker gains the effects disguise self as if it was cast on them at the 1st level. |
16 | Vial of Snakes | Appears to be a vial filled with muticolored, gelatin-based, chewy candies in the shape of worms or snakes of various sizes. If spilled, a swarm of poisonous snakes appears at the area. The snakes will attack a target they are spilled on or one that has attempted to drink this potion. In addition, the snakes can be commanded by the spiller of the potion as bonus action. The swarm lasts for 10 minutes or until it is defeated. After 10 minutes, any remaining snakes will attempt to return to the bottle if it is still intact. If at least one snake returns to the bottle, the use of this potion is preserved and the swarm will return to its full HP and size after 8 hours. You may only create one vial of snakes at a time. |
17 | potion of Love | A bright pink potion that changes to a dark purple after a single hair has been added. It tastes like red wine and smells of roses. As a bonus action you may prepare the potion by adding one strand of a living creature's hair to the potion; if this is not done, the potion has no effect. 8 hours after the potion is prepared, the effect fades and it must be prepared again for the potion to have an effect. The drinker takes a Charisma saving throw and does so with advantage if it is fighting the creature whose hair was added to the potion. On a failed save the drinker is charmed by the creature whose hair was added to the potion to prepare it for a number of hours equal to half your potion crafting ability modifier (rounded up) or until the creature it is charmed by does something harmful to it. |
18 | potion of Adhesion | A gray substance that sticks to the sides of the bottle. It smells and tastes like paste. If this is spilled, the area in a 10-foot radius is treated as rough terrain. If a target ends their movement in the area created by this potion, they must take a Strength saving throw or be restrained. Creatures that are restrained can retake the saving throw at the end of their turns. |
19 | Ironside potion | When settled, the liquid appears to be iron that was hardened in the bottle. When shaken, the potion turns bright orange as if it were molten metal. It has no scent but the distinct tang is recognizable flavor of metal. The drinker's AC increases by 1 and they reduce piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage dealt by non-magical sources by 2 for 8 hours. |
20 | potion of Luck | A clear liquid that looks to be identical to water save for the soft golden glow it gives off. It tastes like whatever the drinkers favorite flavor it. The drinker gains 2 luck points. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can spend one luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. After 8 hours any remaining luck points are lost. |
Salve-Master Specialty[edit]
At 3rd level, you choose a specialty that you emulate in the study of your Salve-Master practice: Combat Medic, Alchemist, or Physician, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your specialty choice grants you features at 3rd level and then again at 6th, 10th, and 17th level.
Stroke of Genius[edit]
Beginning at 3rd level you find yourself enamored with one particular type of weapon of which you are proficient with. You may craft weapons of this type even if you are not proficient in the artisan's tools required. It takes 2 days time and a supply cost of 50 gold to create the weapon. When you attack with weapons of this type that you have crafted, you may add your Intelligence modifier to the attack roll in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifiers. Every time you recreate the weapon you may choose to reduce the supply price by 10 gold or the crafting time by 8 hours, down to a minimum cost of 10 gold and a minimum crafting time of 8 hours. At 9th level attacks made with your crafted weapon are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities. Starting at 13th level you add your Intelligence modifier to the damage rolls of your most recently crafted weapon in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifiers. Finally, once you reach 17th level while you are crafting the weapon you may spend 8 additional hours and an additional 10gp worth of supplies to enhance the weapon. Weapons crafted in this way has their damage dice/die increased by one size and either the heavy property removed or the reach property added (your choice).
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of you choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Turn Toxic[edit]
Once you've reached 5th level you understand the delicate line between a gentle healing salve and an incredibly corrosive toxin. Potions of harming and exploding potions you create have their d6 damage dice changed to d8s if you get a 15 or higher on the Intelligence (Medicine) check to make them. As a bonus action, you may turn a potion of healing or potion of soup into a poison vial or a potion of harming. In addition, you may add your potion attack modifier to attack rolls made with thrown potions.
Do No Harm[edit]
Starting at 9th level, you have begun to perfect the craft of medicine to an absolute art. Whenever you heal a target as an action and have yet to attack any creature in the current encounter, the heal target regains an additional 10 hit points. At 18th level your healing capabilities have increased substantially and this feature's bonus healing is further increased to 20 points.
Starting at 14th level, you gain proficiency with Wisdom saving throws and when you spend hit dice during a short rest, you roll d10s in place of d8s. In addition, you ignore the effects of levels 1-5 of exhaustion and may remove one level of exhaustion after finishing a short rest.
Master Alchemist[edit]
By the time you reach the 20th level you can choose what potion you brew when crafting from any on on either list, and you can make 2 potions rather than one
Salve-Maker Specialty[edit]
Combat Medic[edit]
- Battlefield Medicine
Starting at 3rd level when you chose this Salve-Maker specialty, you gain proficiency in medium armor and three martial weapons of your choosing. In addition, if you used your action to attack a creature, you may use your bonus action to heal yourself or one creature within 5 feet of your by an amount equal to half of the amount of damage you dealt with your attack.
- Amputation
Starting at 6th level, when you make an attack with a weapon with which you are proficient, you may choose to make the attack with a -5 penalty. If the attack hits, roll a d10 and based on the result, an effect is incited in the target as shown in the table below.
Roll | Attack | Effect |
1 | Rending Strike | The creature has disadvantage on the next 1d4+1 Constitution, Strength, and/or Dexterity saving throws that it makes in the next hour or until the damage dealt by this attack is healed. |
2 | Hamstring Pluck | The creature's movement is reduced by 10 feet and they cannot use the Dash action until the damage dealt by this attack is healed. |
3 | Hand Breaker | The creature must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, the target does not add their proficiency modifier to attacks made with weapons with which they are proficient and takes a -2 modifier to attacks made with weapons they are not proficient with until the damage dealt by this attack is healed. |
4 | Delicate Incision | The target takes an additional 1d6 slashing. |
5 | Sterilized Instruments | The weapon damage is changed to radiant for this turn. |
6 | Contaminated Weapon | The weapon damage is changed to necrotic for this turn |
7 | Vicious Attack | The target takes an additional 3d4 damage and you take half of the bonus damage dealt in recoil. |
8 | Chitin Shatter | The creature has their AC decreased by 1 until the damage dealt by this attack is healed. If the target has natural armor, their AC is decreased by 2 instead. |
9 | Expose Weakness | The next attack an ally makes against the target has an additional effect. If the original attack was made with a slashing weapon, the next attack will deal an additional 2d4 damage. If the original attack was made with a bludgeoning weapon, the target must succeed a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. If the original attack was made with a piercing weapon, the next attack is made with advantage. |
10 | Meatball Surgery | The target becomes frightened of you until the end of its second turn after this attack and you gain advantage on your next attack against the creature. In addition, if this or the next attack critically hit, you regain two uses of Amputation. If you roll this effect four times before you have taken a short or long rest you cannot use Amputation until you have finished a long rest. |
- Combat Exposure
At 10th level, you gain proficiency in heavy armor and have advantage on saving throws to avoid being frightened or restrained and on saving throws to escape these effects.
- Feel No Pain
Starting at 17th level, you can spend your action to inject a willing creature within 5 feet of you with a highly experimental anesthetic to grant them immunity to all damage for the next 2d4 rounds. After those rounds have passed, the target takes half of all the damage they would have taken during those turns. At that time, the creature may choose to take a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a success, the damage is reduced to 0 and on a failure, the creature takes the full damage they evaded during those turns. If combat ends before the rounds are over, the creature takes no residual damage. During a long rest, you prepare enough of the anesthetic to use this feature a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded up, a minimum of once) without interrupting your rest. You can prepare twice as much anesthetic during this time, but doing so will result in you not receiving the benefits of the long rest. The anesthetic can only hold its effectiveness for 24 hours after being created, after which it has no effect.
- Transmutation
Starting at 3rd level when you chose this Salve-Maker specialty you gain the ability to cast the cantrips Prestidigitation and Mending. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. You also gain the knowledge required to increase your list of experimental potions through transmutation. While you are making a potion with your Potion Crafting feature you may choose to roll a d10 to change what you are making based on the table below.
Roll | Potions | Effect |
1 | Kinetic Potion | The potion vibrates lightly when warmed. A forest green color that smells like a running motor and tastes like a bitter coffee. The drinker's speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour. During that time, the drinker may Dash as their bonus action. |
2 | Vial of Bullywug Sweat | A brown and green, swirling liquid that features a small, swampy ecosystem in the bottle, complete with tiny lily pads and cattails as well as fish and toads that seem to be made of sugar. The drink tastes like muddy water. The drinker's standing and running high jump height is increased to 10 feet for the next 10 minutes. In addition, the drinker can breathe in water and in air as well as communicate with frogs and toads for the duration. |
3 | Potion of Snake Fangs | A sweet drink that has a sickly spicy aftertaste. Has the consistency and appearance of a meringue topping save for its bright purple color. The drinker must take a Constitution saving throw. On a success, the drinker gains the Natural Weapons effect of Alter Self, growing snake-like fangs as well as gaining a vulnerability to fire damage and a resistance to poison damage. These effects can only be reversed by a greater restoration spell, another potion of the same type, or if the drinker is reduced to 0 hit points. On a failure, the drinker takes 2d8 poison damage. |
4 | Potion of Blindness | A pitch-black liquid that smells like ink and tastes like stale beer. The drinker gains the effects blindness as if it was cast on them at the 2nd level. |
5 | Potion of Moonbeams | A bright shining white liquid that gives off 30 feet of bright light during a new moon and 5 feet of dim light during a full moon. Smells like a cool winter's night. If this is spilled, it is treated as if moonbeam was cast on the location at the 3rd level. |
6 | Potion of Counterspell | A sour lime flavored liquid that smells the part and looks like a freshly squeezed lemonade, including small seeds that float throughout. For the next 5 minutes, the drinker can cast counterspell at the 3rd level as a reaction up to 2 times. |
7 | Potion of Hay/Potion of Gold | Although the contents are infact a liquid, it smells and looks to simply be a bottle filled with a small bale of hay. The first non-living thing this is spilled on is transformed into a pile of hay that is of equal weight to the object transformed. This transformation fades after 20 minutes but can also be reversed by another magical transformation or the use of another potion of the same type. A potion of gold can only be created using the Philosopher's Stone feature. A potion of gold deals 10d6 radiant damage to the drinker and can be sold for 1000 gp. |
8 | Vial of Quicksilver | A bottle of quickly drying silver that is only distinguishable from mercury by its smell; the scent of a roast pig. If this is spilled the target is treated as if it is silvered for a number of minutes equal to your potion crafting ability modifier. The drinker takes 1d4 fire damage and 1d6 acid damage immediately. |
9 | Vial of Sand | Looks and smells like a bottle of seawater, but as the liquid pours from the vial, only sand emerges. If this is spilled, it is treated as if wall of sand was cast on the location at the 3rd level (you may choose the exact dimensions of the wall as the spell specifies when you spill it). |
10 | Elixir of Clouds/Bottled Lightning | Just a vial full of small clouds. Bottled lightning can only be created using the Philosopher's Stone feature. You may only create one bottled lightning at a time. This potion can be thrown and upon hitting an object/creature deals 6d4 lighting and thunder damage to all creatures in a ten foot radius. |
- Alchemical Satchel
Starting at 6th level, you can create an extraplanar container to hold all of your potions as well as all of the tools and supplies you need to make potions. You can hold up to 10 separate potions in the potion pocket of the satchel as well as up to 50 pounds of supplies in the supply pouch; you may access any potion stored in the potion pocket of the satchel as your free object interaction. The satchel can also hold an additional 20 pounds of objects that would fit within a 5 foot cube (this space can also be used for the storage of supplies and potions) and the total weight of the satchel is always 10 pounds regardless of its contents. The satchel is considered to be alchemist’s supplies, an herbalism kit, and a poisoner’s kit. Things placed in the bag cannot decay, rot, or otherwise spoil due to age or exposure and potions, vials, or bottles in the satchel cannot be broken while they remain inside. Every day at dawn, the satchel produces 1d4 empty vials/bottles, to a maximum of 20. The vials/bottles are visibly magical, radiating dim light out to 1 foot. The vials/bottles disappear 5 minutes after being removed from the satchel if they are not filled with a potion or another substance. It takes 24 hours worth of work and 100 gold worth of supplies to create a satchel. All satchels made by you are linked, sharing the same contents at all times. If a satchel is destroyed or lost, a separate or new satchel that is made by you will still have access to the contents. You may only have two functioning satchels at a time, with any satchels made after the second taking the place of the oldest one you've made. While a satchel you've made is within 20 feet of you, you can cast leomund's tiny hut at 3rd level. Once you cast it, you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again.
- Brew Invigoration
Starting at 10th level, your Potion save DC changes to be 9 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. In addition, potion of harming deals an additional 2d8 acid damage, exploding potions deal an additional 2d10 thunder damage, potions of fire breath allow the drinker to exhale fire breath two additional times, and you add your Intelligence modifier to damage rolls for potions of gold and bottled lightning. Also, the durations of any potions of adhesion, vials of quicksilver, potions of hay, potions of swarming vermin, vials of bullywug sweat, and kinetic potions you craft are all doubled while potions of heat, potions of moonbeams, and potions of counterspell are all considered to have their spells cast using a 4th level spell slot. Individual vials of sand, potions of blindness, potions of disguise, potions of sex reversal, greasing potions, darkvision potions, potions of invisibility, potions of love, and potions of levitation can each be used twice before they are fully depleted. Finally, potions of soup feed one additional person, the swarm of poisonous snakes summoned by the vial of snakes has double its normal hit points, the effects of ironside potions are doubled, and potions of luck grant one additional luck point when used.
- Philosopher's Touch
Starting at 17th level, you may transform one potion you have already made into another of your choosing from either of your potion crafting tables. This transformation takes one minute to complete and requires no additional materials. In addition, you may transform a potion of hay into a potion of gold or an elixir of water into bottled lightning. These particular transformations take 8 hours to complete. A potion can only be transformed using this feature one time and attempting to transform a potion that has already been transformed yields no results. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Master of Medicine
Starting at 3rd level when you choose this salve-maker specialty, using a healer's kit to restore hit points to a creature restores an additional 2d4.
- Plague Doctor
Starting at 3rd level you may spend a bonus action to infect a weapon within 10 feet with a malicious toxin. The next attack made with that weapon before the end of your next turn deals an additional 1d4 necrotic damage. This damage increases by 1d4 at 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4). In addition, you may spend an action to target a creature within 60 feet of you. The target must take a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to your Potion save DC. On a failed save the target takes 1d8 necrotic damage or half as much on a successful save. This damage increases by 1d8 at 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). A targets who is immune to disease are immune to the damage of these abilities.
- Pathogens and Practices
Starting at 6th level whenever you use a healer's kit you may choose to roll a d6 and based on the result incite an effect in the target as shown in the Practices table below. Alternatively, whenever you use a Plague Doctor ability you may choose to roll a d6 and based on the result incite an effect in the target as shown in the Pathogens table below. The bonus effect from this feature takes effect before the amount healed or damage dealt is calculated and creatures already under an effect of this feature cannot be affected by it again until the original effect ends. You can use this feature a total number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. This realm of the field of medicine is not exactly a perfect or victimless science so several adverse or otherwise unfortunate results may occur, in addition, the DC of any saving throws a target of this feature must take is equal to 8 + half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) + your Intelligence modifier.
Roll | Practices | Effect |
1 | Rejuvenate | The target is healed for an additional 1d4 hit points at the end of each of its turns. This effect ends after a number of turns equal to your Salve-Maker level. |
2 | Breakthrough Treatment/Mithridatism | The allied target regains an additional number of hit points equal to half your Salve-Maker level (rounded down). If this ability is used as a result of Unprecedented Miracle the amount of damage taken is reduced by 2d4 (down to a minimum of 0 damage dealt) instead. |
3 | Asymptomatic Carrier | For the rest of the encounter, whenever the target deals damage to a creature that isn't immune to disease with a melee weapon or spell attack, they deal an additional 1d10 necrotic damage to the attack target. A target who is immune to disease is immune to this bonus damage. |
4 | Raise Metabolism | The target's speed is increased by 10 feet for a number of turns equal to half your Salve-Maker level (rounded down). |
5 | Elemental Resistance | The target gains resistance to cold, fire, and lightning damage for a number of turns equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded up, to a minimum of 1). |
6 | Unexpected Complications | Re-roll the d6 using the Pathogens table. That effect is incited in the heal target. |
Roll | Pathogens | Effect |
1 | Infect | The target must take a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target takes 2d6 necrotic damage at the end of each of its turns. This effect ends after a number of turns equal to half your Salve-Maker level (rounded down). A target who is immune to disease is immune to this effect. |
2 | Fatal Strain/Antimicrobial Resistance | The necrotic damage dealt by a Plague Doctor ability is increased by an amount equal to half your Salve-Maker level (rounded down). If this ability is used as a result of Unexpected Complications, the number of hit points healed is reduced by 2d4 (to a minimum of 0 hit points healed) instead. A target who is immune to disease is immune to the bonus damage. |
3 | Gangrene | For the next 1d10 turns, whenever the target takes damage from an attack they take additional necrotic damage equal to half your Salve-Maker level (rounded down). A target who is immune to disease is immune to this damage. |
4 | Slow Metabolism | The target's speed is reduced by a number of feet equal to your Salve-Maker level for 1 minute. |
5 | Elemental Weakness | The target must take a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target gains a weakness to cold, fire, and lightning damage for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). |
6 | Unprecedented Miracle | Re-roll the d6 using the Practices table. That effect is incited in the heal target. |
- Symbiotic Bacterial Growth
Starting at 10th level,
- Patient Zero
Starting at 17th level your knowledge of arcane afflictions has expanded greatly. As an action, you may directly incite a target within 60 feet with a magical virus. The target takes a Constitution saving throw against your Potion save DC. On a fail, the target takes 2d4 necrotic damage at the end of every turn for 1d8+2 turns. If the target ends its turn and is still afflicted by this ability, all hostile creatures within 20 feet of it that the target must take a Constitution saving throw of the same DC. On a fail, they take 1d4 necrotic damage at the end of every turn for 6 minus their Constitution modifier turns. A creature that has been damaged by this ability once before can still be infected by and spread the disease, however, they can only be damaged by it after a number of days equal to their Constitution score have passed. A creature infected with this ability lose all immunity to disease and are poisoned until the effect fades. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Salve-Maker class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 13
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Salve-Maker class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, bonesaws, blowguns, alchemist’s supplies, herbalism kit, poisoner’s kit
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