Salamander Faerie (5e Race)
"I thought I knew fire when my childhood home burned to the ground, but that was but a spark. I thought I knew fire when I fought my first pyromancer, but those flames were made by charlatans. I thought I'd finally learnt true flame when I fought my first dragon, but the gods saw fit to correct my mistake. I did not truly know fire until I found myself facing the charging ranks of the Salamanders" -Dorthin LavaThane.
Physical Description[edit]
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Art by PokerFaceWilliam |
Salamanders are short in stature, but surprisingly well proportioned. More often than not they are quite muscular. They have long tails, with bright flames on the tips of their tails that match the color of their eyes and tendrils, as well as their sharp angular faerie wings. They have a thin layer of scales over their bodies, resembling slightly pigmented tan skin, and hair like tendrils forming a mohawk like structure on their heads. They have slitted lizard like noses, and many males grow beard like tendrils on their chins, and sometimes upper lips. Both males and females have horns beginning at their foreheads and moving behind their head, though the females horns are larger. This larger size is consistent in the race, as the females are usually taller than the males as well. The colors of the salamanders tail flames are limited only by the colors that fire can be, though red, gold, and brass are the most common.
Little is known of where the first Salamanders came from, besides that they originated in the elemental plain of fire, as three men known as The Three Kings
The three kings were brothers, each of which that took on a responsibility in ruling their nation. The eldest brother Iskandar was the commander of their troops, taking all the land that they needed to be self sufficient. The Second brother Ahmar was the head of the church of the pheonix, leading the nation in all their religious beliefs. The youngest brother was Leonas, and he was the first to bear the actual title of king. He was responsible for the general running of the nation, though his brothers and him set up a council of the most powerful people within their borders to assist in crafting laws.
Leonas' fell in love with an elven woman that would later become a Shadar-Kai, who thought him the power to unleash his truest form through the power of the Mark of Nanethegar. This tattoo offered the royal family the ability to turn into powerful dragons, embracing their fiery heritage.
After King Leonas was murdered by his twin brother Ahmar, his wife fled with the rest of her people to the Shadow Fell, leaving hers and her husbands children behind. Ahmar, taking the throne, saw fit to leave the children alive, keeping them as the royal guard. The descendants of these children would later become the Pyroclastic lineage, the strongest Salamander bloodline that would ever live.
Two years after the birth of Ahmar's heir Iskandar and the royal guard usurped the throne, Iskandar taking on the role of regent until his niece was old enough to take the throne. This bloodline would later lead to the Clergyman bloodline of the Salamanders.
Upon his niece taking the throne, Iskandar went back to his role as leader of the military until he retired and married, his descendants becoming the warrior Salamander
Salamanders are an oddity in the Fae Wilds, embodying the more aggressive, and dangerous side of nature. Upon birth, every Salamander child is examined to see if they are physically acceptable. If they are not, they are taken by the clergy, and immediately begin training to become a member of the clergy, particularly being trained as Clerics, Paladins, and devout Sorcerers. If they are acceptable however, they are sent back to their families to live, and make connections for 80 years before they are enlisted to train in the military until they reach the age of two hundred. At this age, both the Clergyman and Warriors are given the option to rejoin civilian life, and maintain the homeland from the homeland. Few Salamanders choose to venture out from home without being part of the military or a mission trip, but it is not entirely unheard of.
Salamander Names[edit]
Male: Hogr, Jormungand, Leonas, Fafnir, Clover
Female: Faris, Fafnir, Cyim, Clover
Salamnder Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Salamanders reach adulthood at 200 years of age, but it is unknown how long they live. Being the union between two near immortal peoples makes their lifespan difficult to pin down, this issue is further complicated by many of their people's willingness to die in defense of their homeland.
Alignment. A majority of Salamanders are lawful in alignment thanks to the strict training that their society demands before they are given the choice to enter civilian life.
Size. Salamanders do not have a large disparity in height, ranging from 3'3" to 4', your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Flight. You have a flying speed of 25 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.
Darkvision. You can see up to 60 feet in the dark as if it were dim light, and in dim light as if it were bright light.
Hybrid Nature. You count as humanoid, fae, and dragon when determining if a mechanic effects you.
Soul Tail. Despite the Salamanders strength, they are far from immortal. If the tip of a Salamander's tail is submerged in a non-flammable liquid, it will extinguish, bringing the Salamander to zero hit points, knocking them out. During this time, they are subject to death saving throws.
Claws. Salamanders have claws that augment their attacks. They can deal either normal bludgeoning or slashing damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Draconic, and Sylvan.
Subrace. Choose between a Warrior, a Clergyman, or a Pyroclastic Salamander.
Warior Salamander[edit]
Warrior Salamander's are the strongest of their people. Born well proportioned, and then trained from a young age to be the perfect soldiers. They are given enough time with their family to create a connection with their homeland beyond just the money they receive from their commanding officer. These Salamanders make up the majority of the citizens of Salamander society, and are only required to serve from the age of 80 to 200 before being allowed to become regular citizens.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Breath Weapon. Starting at 3rd level, you have the ability to launch a bolt of fire out of your mouth up to 60 fee away. You make a range attack role, and deal 1d6 damage upon a hit. You do not gain any benefits from any spell casting class abilities or feats that would effect the manner that you cast the spell such as heightened spell, or elemental adept.
Fire Resistance. Warrior Salamanders have resistance to fire damage.
Warriors Even in Death. Upon dying after having been subjected to the soul tail ability, a Warrior Salamanders body returns to the fire from whence they came. This creates a large pillar of flame, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage to anyone within five feet of them.
Clergyman Salamander[edit]
Clergyman Salamanders are the weakest of their people. Some are born with obvious deformities, others simply smaller and leaner than the majority of their race. Nar does not waste the lives of these individuals, instead training them in the worship of their fiery gods. Many become Clerics, others Warlocks, sworn to serve their patrons will more directly. Very few Clergyman become Sorcerers, as this is not the life that they are trained for, but some poses such natural talent for magic, that it becomes more prominent than the intense training undergone since youth.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1, or your Charisma score increases by 1.
Divine Breath Weapon. Starting at 3rd level you have the ability to breath holy flame upon your enemies. As an action you can force one creature that you have clear line of sight on to make a dexterity saving throw, on a failed save they take 1d6 radiant damage. The saving throw is 8 + either Wis or Cha + proficiency. You do not gain any benefits from any spell casting class abilities or feats that would effect the manner that you cast the spell such as heightened spell, or elemental adept.
Fire Resistance. Clergyman Salamanders have resistance to fire damage.
Life for a Life. Upon dying after having been subject to the soul tail ability, a Clergyaman Salamander's body is consumed by the flames they worshipped so fervently. Holy flame spreads out in a 60 foot radius from where they were, healing any allied creature of the Salamanders choice from a pool equal to 5 times half the Salamander's level. When healed in this manner the ally's wounds are burned closed, and if the ally in question was unconscious and failed at least one death saving throw, then they would gain one memory of the Salamander's choice.
Pyroclastic Salamander[edit]
Pyroclastic Salamanders are the descendants of the union between the first King of Nar, and a Shadar-Kai shield maiden. This mingling, and the continued fixation on breading by the Pyroclastic family, has lead to them being formidable warriors. These strong knights make up the entirety of the royal guard, and the king takes at least one of the family members into his harem, being careful to make sure that they are not too closely related to each-other.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Breath Weapon. At third level you gain access to a breath weapon. When you use your breath weapon you spit a ball of lava somewhere within a 15 foot range. Each creature in the 10 foot diameter must make a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 1d6 heat damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The lava that the Salamander spits out solidifies after one round, becoming difficult terrain in the ten foot diameter. After you use your breath weapon, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.
Heat Resistance. Pyroclastic Salamanders are resistant to heat damage.
Smokey Decent. Upon dying after having been subject to the soul tail ability, Pyroclastic Salamanders are denied the return to flame of their brethren. Due to having Shadar-Kai blood running through their veins, Pyroclastic dragons body fades into black billowy smoke as their soul leaves their body. Smoke fills a 20 foot radius sphere around where the Salamander dies for either a minute, or until a wind of at least 10 miles per hour blows through the area.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 3'' | +1 d6 | 20 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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