SRD Talk:Scribe Scroll

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My DMG says 12.5 gp times spell level times caster level, not 25 gp.

The DMG does in fact say this (DMG Page 287) "To create a scroll, a character needs a supply of choice writing materials, the cost of which is subsumed in the cost for scribing the scroll—12.5 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster." --SgtLion 14:42, 11 June 2011 (MDT)
If you read carefully, the entry says "The base price of a scroll is its spell level × its caster level × 25 gp". Base price is the cost to buy the scroll, not to make it. The next line says "To scribe a scroll, you must use up raw materials costing one-half of this base price." Scribing a scroll costs the scriber half the amount it would cost to purchase it outright, or 12.5 x spell level x CL.
Don't feel too bad, though. I've looked up the answer before and it still took me 10 minutes to remember how I got there! JazzMan 15:30, 11 June 2011 (MDT)
Aaahck My bad, sorry. --SgtLion 23:44, 11 June 2011 (MDT)