SRD Talk:Gnoll

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To create a Gnoll as a PC with no ECL you can use Monster Levels as shown in Races of the Wild:

1st Level: HD: 1d8 Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +0 Skills: (2+INT)x4 Special: Feat 2nd Level: HD: 2d8 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +0 Skills: 2+INT Special: +2 Con 3rd Level: HD: 2d8 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +0 Skills: - Special: +2 Str, Natural Armor +1

Starting Stats: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Chr Medium Size Base Land Speed: 30ft Darkvision: 60ft Automatic Language: Gnoll Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Orc Favored Class: Ranger

Class Skills: Listen & Spot

Class Features: Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Light Armor, Shields, & Simple and Martial Weapons. Feats: One at 1st level and Gains another at the 3rd Hit Die Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor Bonus.

(I do not know how to put this up and leave it here for others to post how they wish)