SRD Talk:Eyes of Charming

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found these on lvl 3 of party. issued them to my cleric. in those days, they were actually a pair of eyes connected by nerve endings. each encounter, on most cleric's turn, he would bring forth his left hand, reveiling the eyes. best to select one of the weakest of the opponent party. Bingo!... charmed him!.....instead of 4 to 7...due to the action of the cleric, , now it is 5 on 6. the charmed person would, on his next turn, attack his nearest former party member, thus providing multiple benifits. those benifits are no attacks from the charmed opponent, no ranged attacks from that former party member that the charmed opponent now attacks, and the disruption of the opponents party's tactics.

each round, on the cleric's turn, he would reveal his left hand, charming the next weakest opponent. battle after battle, his left hand would extend, charming without end, those who would do us harm. forget will throws and dodge, he was without repute. at the end, he stood with the party, victorious, most xp and highest level, quest completed, keeping the world safe for that age.

artifact : eyes of charming

nickname : bright_eyes

pass code : you looking at me? well, that a look at these!

% of charm : 90%

use : show them on the 1st round. if they work, continue to use the eyes of charming until they don't work.

member : best to give them to a member who is passive, not on the front lines, so they can charm at will during each of their turns.

moral : once all active combantants are killed, you must kill all charmed, one at a time, to end the battle, gain xp, and loot.