SRD Talk:Epic Leadership

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Formula for Special Cohorts[edit]

For example, Dragon, wyrm white counts as 41th level for purpose of being Cohort. He has 34-35HD and CR19. So, (1,1714285714285714285714285714286) of Level/HD and (2,1578947368421052631578947368421) Level/CR

Succubus counts as 12th level for purpose of being Cohort. She has 7-12 HD, CR7. So, 1 Level/HD and (1,7142857142857142857142857142857) Level/CR.

So, i don't see obvious consistence there. I want to get formula or table for using any creature as Cohort - but, it's hard to see that. What kind of parameter or method is used there? -- 08:56, 26 September 2024 (MDT)

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