SRD Talk:Candle of Invocation

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There exists famous Infinite Wishes method, even listed on TvTropes.

You summon Efreeti, and use one of Wishes on spare Candle of Invocation. Now you have unlimited wishes - keep summoning more Efreeti and using more Wishes. That's possible from 5th level.

You can also cast Gate directly for the first summoning of Efreeti - what is also a viable method of kick-starting Infinite Wishes Loop. It's many times cheaper in XP than casting Wish normally (1000 XP of Gate vs 5000+ XP of directly casting Wish) - since Efreeti casts Wishes as Spell-Like Abilities, all XP expenses are paid for free. 14:50, 29 September 2024 (MDT)

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