Rogue's Wall (3.5e Equipment)

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Rogue's Wall: A rogue, running from the law, is shot at by a watchman, only to have the corner of the rogue's cloak rise up and swat the arrow away. The fighter is dumb-stricken, and the rogue can be heard cackling as he makes his escape.

This Glamered Animated Tower Shield is the perfect tool for a running thief, or anyone else who needs an ace up their sleeve in an upcoming battle. It is specially glamered to, instead of looking like an ordinary vestment, make it seem as though objects around the user come to his defense, be it a cloak beating away an arrow or the nearby chair leaning back to deflect a sword. In addition, this Tower Shield imposes no Armor Check Penalty or Arcane Spell Failure Chance when it is floating near its wielder due to its animated ability. The shield is effectively invisible when in use (it is visible when not floating near its user), but can be detected with a successful spot check (DC 12) when focused upon.

Faint (DC 16) IllusionCL 13th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Disguise Self, Limited Wish; Cost 20,000 gp (plus 180 gp for Masterwork Tower Shield), 400 XP, 20 Days; Activation: None (See Text); Weight: 45 lb.; Market Price: 20,000 gp

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