Robe of Immolation (And Immolation Enchant)

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Robe of Immolation: A crimson robe with a lime green glow about it. Whenever enemies are within 5 foot reach of you they take 1d4+3 fire damage. They must take a DC16 Fort save in order to not be damaged.

Enchantment: Immolation

1d4+3 fire damage for every enemy within a 5 foot reach every turn. They must take a DC16 fort save to not be damaged.

Initial Cost: 2,500 Gold

For every additional d4, the price doubles the previous amount (5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 etc.)

For every additional d4, .5 (Rnd. Down) Addtitional Damage is added (3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, etc.)

For every additional d4, the DC save goes up by 1.5 (Rnd. Down) (17.5, 19, 20.5, 22, 23.5, etc.)

At 3d4s of damage (10,000), the 5 foot range extends out to a 10 foot range

At DC20.5 (20,000), upon a critical failure (1) enemy suffers from double damage

At 5d4s of damage (40,000), the DC save goes from no damage to half damage

At DC22.5 (80,000), 2s and 3s rolled for saves are counted as critical failures

Past 80,000 (160,000 320,000 640,000 etc.):

Every additional d4 still doubles the previous price (160,000 320,000 640,000 etc.)
Additional Damage Increases by 1.5 instead of .5 (7, 8.5, 10)
The DC increases by 2.5 (Rnd Down) instead of 1.5(26, 28.5, 31)
4s are counted as critical failures
Tripple damage is inflicted on a critical Failure
15 Ft. Reach instead of 10

Potential Stats:

   2,500Gp:  1d4+3   , DC16   x0
   5,000GP:  2d4+3.5 , DC17.5 x0
  10,000GP:  3d4+4   , DC19   x0	       10 Ft. Reach
  20,000GP:  4d4+4.5 , DC20.5 X0  (x2 on 1)   10 Ft. Reach
  40,000GP:  5d4+5   , DC22   X.5 (x2 on 1)   10 Ft. Reach
  80,000GP:  6d4+5.5 , DC23.5 X.5 (x2 on 1-3) 10 Ft. Reach
 160,000GP:  7d4+7   , DC26   X.5 (x3 on 1-4) 15 Ft. Reach

Godlike Stats

  320,000GP:  8d4+8.5 , DC28.5 X.5 (x3 on 1-4) 15 Ft. Reach
  640,000GP:  9d4+10  , DC31   X.5 (x3 on 1-4) 15 Ft. Reach
1,280,000GP: 10d4+11.5, DC33.5 X.5 (x3 on 1-4) 15 Ft. Reach
2,560,000GP: 11d4+13  , DC36   X.5 (x3 on 1-5) 15 Ft. Reach
5,120,000GP: 12d4+15.5, DC38.5 X.5 (x3 on 1-6) 20 Ft. Reach
10.24MillGP: 13d4+17  , DC41   X.5 (x3 on 1-7) 20 Ft. Reach

Weak to Strong evocation; CL 5 to 20; ; Weight: 2 lb.

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